Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Pain Support Jersey

Membership Number: AJC370 / Registered Charity Number: 008

Pain Support Jersey

Pain Support Jersey helps people who suffer from persistent pain and runs gentle exercise sessions, vocational activities and courses, educational talks, sea swimming sessions and social events.

Who can benefit? 
Anyone who has persistent pain which is defined as pain lasting for more than three months. It may stem from arthritis, surgery, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and various other causes. Many members have been referred through the Pain Service, but this is not essential. People can just turn up at any of our sessions.

How can people benefit?
The charity organises indoor and outdoor gentle exercise classes, social events, vocational activities, educational talks and hydrotherapy.

Exercise is so important for people in pain but is often the last thing they want to do because they are scared and believe it will increase their pain. But the right type of exercises can help significantly and the group offers suitable sessions run by pain specialist physiotherapists from the Pain Service.

The social aspects of meetings are also really important. Members appreciate the company of other people who understand just what they are going through and value the chance to speak to each other and the team. Pain can make people isolated and the group offers opportunities to meet people and forge new friendships. Most importantly, meetings are positive and uplifting.

Where and when do activities happen?
Details of all our activities and events can be found on our website, Facebook page or Twitter feed.

c/o Pain Service
Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre
La Route des Quennevais
St Brelade

t: 07797 952165

Secretary: Sandra Burt