Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


52nd AGM of the members of the Association of Jersey Charities

Association of Jersey Charities

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The Royal Yacht Hotel

Thu, 13th Jul, 2023, 17:30 - 21:00

The notice and agenda have been sent to you all via the news email. They are also available on the website, together with previous minutes.

Please print copies to bring as there will be limited numbers available on the night.

Please register to attend (which you can do via the notice or on the website - minutes and agendas).

Please arrive at 5.30pm for registration so the meeting can begin promptly at 6pm.

We welcome more than one person representing your charity.

After the meeting we have an address by Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore.

To close we will have a buffet and networking, which should end by 9pm.
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