Wed, 10th June, 2020
Our first blog!

'May you live in interesting times' is widely reported as being of ancient Chinese origin but is neither Chinese nor ancient, being likely 20th century and of western origin. But it seemed an appropriate opening line, because we are certainly living in interesting times; times of change and uncertainty, causing us to have to rethink most, if not every aspect of our lives.
Here at the AJC we are having a rethink on our own strategy.
Over recent years we have consulted with our members on more than one occasion to check our direction of travel. But recent events, such as the loss of the distributorship of Jersey Lottery profits, and certainly the impact of Covid-19, means we are checking our course again.
We see that there will be a need to adjust in light of the new circumstances and we shall be in touch in the near future to ask your opinion so that we serve you in the best way we can.
For now, we are continuing to provide online training opportunities; please take advantage of these - especially if you have a bit of extra time on your hands. Plus we are still maintaining a grants programme.
We are also keen to represent you, as we can make a bigger difference as a united voice.
We can’t meet in person very easily, this is the first of a new series of blogs, and we are refreshing our ways of keeping in touch with you.
We’ll be using this blog to share successes and to ask, “How are you doing?”
You will be going through changes in circumstances that affect your work and fundraising, and I am sure that you will be facing decisions and choices that you weren’t expecting to have to make.
Some of your charities will be frontline and busier than ever.
Some will be unable to do their work until life returns to ‘normal’.
Most of you will have had your fundraising lifelines cut, and whilst you may not have need of emergency funding, you may well have concerns about your medium term and longer term finances.
Some organisations will be able to adjust their strategy and finances more easily than others.
There will also be those for which no easy solution presents itself, and for which some guidance may be welcome.
If you would like some help, with your strategy and policies, please let us know, and we will see what we can do.