Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Victoria College Foundation

Membership Number: AJC434 / Registered Charity Number: 412

Victoria College is a selective, boys' fee-paying school that was founded in 1852. It provides an educational environment of the highest order offering boys the chance to thrive academically and to make the most of all the opportunities on offer to them. Students are encouraged to set personal challenges, find solutions and help to make a difference as they venture out in to the world as well-rounded and balanced individuals.

The Foundation was set up in 2002 as part of the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the College in order to support ever changing needs of school life and to help sustain the long-held tradition of providing quality education for all those involved with the College. The Foundation plays an important role in communicating with students, parents and staff past and present, and by creating a range of opportunities from which alumni and the wider community can benefit.


Volunteer Commitment

To be discussed

Le Mont Millais
St Helier

t: 01534 638285

Foundation Officer: Emily Sweeny