Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Membership Number: AJC87 / Registered Charity Number: 068

JSPCA Animals’ Shelter
Our Mission Statement:
“Prevent cruelty, promote knowledge, and provide for the aged, sick, lost and unwanted animals in Jersey”
History of the JSPCA:
In 1868 the Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (JSPCA) was founded and Miss Frances Elizabeth Wilson established the Jersey Animals' Shelter itself in 1913. In 1925 the JSPCA formed a Committee to assist Miss Wilson in her work, and in 1936 the JSPCA and Jersey Animals' Shelter amalgamated. This was a lifelong wish of Miss Wilson and took place shortly before her death.
JSPCA Animals' Shelter Services:
The JSPCA Animals' Shelter provides a range of services relating to animal care, offering help and advice for all members of the public. These services include:
24-Hour Ambulance Service
The JSPCA Animals' Shelter provides a 24-hour ambulance service whereby members of the public can telephone for advice or assistance. Ambulance staff are available to rescue injured animals, collect strays and assist the public. The drivers provide an invaluable service in ensuring that help is always available for any animal or bird in distress.
Lost and Found Service
The JSPCA Animals' Shelter collects and cares for many of Jersey's stray animals and runs a comprehensive lost and found service. Every effort is made to reunite each stray animal received at the Shelter with its owner as quickly as possible. The JSPCA Animals' Shelter strongly recommends microchipping pets for identification purposes.
Boarding for Cats
The JSPCA Animals' Shelter has facilities to board your cats. Our Cattery has recently been redecorated and designed with maximum comfort and hygiene in mind and with the aim of minimising the risk and spread of disease. Each animal has its own individual kennel with an outside run. Every day, each cat is given a hands-on health check. The Shelter also offers an 'Emergency Boarding' service for which a number of kennels are kept available at all times. This service offers boarding facilities for cats belonging to people who may have to go into hospital.
Regardless of the reason or circumstances for being unable to keep a pet, the JSPCA Animals' Shelter will take in all unwanted companion animals and help to find them new and loving homes. Every animal is thoroughly health-checked and temperament assessed before being placed in a new home. Most animals are neutered, vaccinated and microchipped (as appropriate for the species) before becoming available for re-homing. Once a prospective new owner has been found, a home check will be carried out to ensure the animal's requirements can be met.
Animal Crematorium
The JSPCA understands and respects the special relationship that develops between people and their pets. On contacting the JSPCA Animals' Shelter, bereaved owners will find a sympathetic ear and can be reassured that their pet will be treated with the utmost dignity and care. The JSPCA Animals' Shelter provides the only Pet Cremation Service in Jersey and owns the Animals' Cemetery at First Tower.
Rescue and Rehabilitation of Injured Wildlife
The JSPCA provides free veterinary care to wildlife needing our help. The animals are cared for by our dedicated Clinic staff until they are able to be released back into the wild. During bad weather and storms, we care for any oiled sea birds that are washed up on our shores. We have a specialist facility which allows birds to be washed by our trained staff and stay in our care until they are ready to be released. From baby fledglings and squirrels needing around the clock care to injured geese and swans, we will provide care for animals in need.
The JSPCA educates our future generations about caring and helping animals in Jersey. Schools and clubs can organise presentations to learn more about the work we do across the Island. Please get in touch if you would like organise for us to visit you.
JSPCA Red Squirrel Disease Surveillance Scheme
The Jersey Red Squirrel Disease Surveillance programme studies the broad causes of squirrel mortality, researches into the prevalence and significance of diseases and infectious disease agents that are identified in the red squirrel population and examines how these may impact upon the long-term health, viability and survival of the Jersey red squirrels. The JSPCA Animals' Shelter liaises with the States of Jersey Environment Division on this important project which endeavours to implement a number of the proposed actions and recommendations outlined in the States of Jersey’s Red Squirrel Biodiversity Action Plan.
The JSPCA Affiliation Scheme was developed and introduced in 2001, whereby local animal charities and organisations are invited to 'join forces' and work together with the JSPCA to promote animal welfare and ensure that scarce resources are best utilised. The aim of this scheme is to present a united front against animal cruelty and promote all aspects of animal welfare.
JSPCA Animals' Shelter
89 St Saviours Road
St Helier
t: 01534 724331
f: 01534 871797
CEO: Debra D'Orleans
Make a Donation
If you would like to donate money to Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals please select an amount below.
If you are a Jersey tax payer, and your donation is for £50 or more, you can claim an extra 25% for your chosen charity. Click here for instructions on how to do this.
All donations are anonymous and securely handled for The Association of Jersey Charities by Paypal. Please contact the administrator if you would like to inform the charity of your identity or if you have any additional questions.