Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Membership List

Please note. The membership is made up of Jersey charities and other charities registered as charities under the Charity (Jersey) Law 2014 on the basis the charity carries out substantial charity activities in or from within Jersey.

You can donate directly to any charity by clicking on their name, or to the Association of Jersey Charities in order for us to make grants to charities, by clicking the 'donate now' button to the right/ below.

If you are a Jersey taxpayer, and your donation is for £50 or more, you can claim an extra 25% for your chosen charity. Click here for instructions on how to do this.


AJC3 - Jersey Council on Alcoholism

26-28 West Park Avenue is a pre-treatment preparation facility and secondary treatment centre, with 24/7 staffing that is completely drug and alcohol free. The facility accompanies our Primary Treatment at Silkworth Lodge where clients can access the facility as a stepping stone to independent living on completion of their treatment programme. It provides counselling and therapy, practical support and guidance on housing, employment, education and basic life skills, with the co-operation of external agencies.

The aim is to act as a bridge to normal living for clients who have addiction issues and who seek abstinence. It helps support the individual to face life without the need to resort to substance abuse and get accustomed to their new lifestyle and practice it within the safety of structured familiarity.

AJC196 - Silkworth Lodge (Families in Recovery Trust)

Silkworth Charity Group runs a States of Jersey registered, 12-bed residential treatment and rehabilitation centre at Silkworth Lodge, for sufferers of drug and alcohol addiction.

The treatment programme is proven to be very successful in helping clients achieve and maintain abstinence, regain self-esteem and develop healthy, contented and fulfilling lifestyles.

A free assessment and consultation is available within 48 hours to anyone concerned with their addiction to drugs or alcohol. We also run a week-day community drop in centre for anyone who wishes to seek support in a non-judgemental, safe environment.

We offer a dedicated Family Programme which supports family members or loved ones living with someone addicted to alcohol or drugs. The programme provides vital psychoeducation and tools to develop the family member’s sense of understanding of the disease of addiction, which helps them to be more able to support themselves and their loved ones better.

AJC243 - Weston Health Care Foundation

Weston Health Care Foundation provides the over-arching umbrella from which Jersey Council on Alcoholism and Silkworth Charity Group operate under.

The objects of the Foundation Charity are:-

- To act as a non-sectarian, non-political, charitable association in support of those suffering from alcohol, drug or chemical dependency of any kind; and their families.

- To provide assistance, help and support for the general well being, sobriety and rehabilitation of those suffering from alcohol, drug or chemical dependency or from related conditions and for the general benefit of the families of such persons;

- To set up homes and facilities to provide residential accommodation both on a gratuitous basis or otherwise for the care, well being, sobriety, general benefit and rehabilitation of those suffering from alcohol, drug or chemical dependency;

- To set up and maintain centres for the treatment, help and counselling of people suffering from addiction to alcohol or substances; their families and dependants;

- To provide comfort, care and attention including access to such legal, medical and social welfare services as may be appropriate to all those suffering from alcohol or chemical dependency and their families and dependants, and to assist them financially if deemed appropriate (whether by way of loan, gift or otherwise) and generally to promote their material, spiritual and mental health, well being and sobriety;

- To employ people as may be necessary in the carrying out and general implementation of these rules and services and to provide for, arrange and implement the training of people to work as specified in the constitution;

- To assist whether by the way of the provision of financial support, donations or other means the construction, establishment, funding, staffing, accommodating of staff, promoting, holding, running, operating, equipping, improvement and general development of hospitals, clinics, health centres, surgeries, nursing homes and other health care facilities of whatever sort;

- To provide assistance whether by way of financial support, donations or other means to patients or prospective patients of any hospital or other establishments;

- To assist whether by way of the provision of financial support, donations or other means with the treatment, care and medical research carried out or provided at any hospital;

- To act as a non sectarian, non political, charitable association in support of any hospital or other establishment or any patient envisaged.

Animal Welfare

AJC551 - Finni’s Ark Animal Sanctuary

Our charity provides a lifelong home for animals finding themselves in a position where there are no other options for them or where their owners are no longer able to care for them due to genuine circumstances.

We also provide therapy visits and educational visits to care homes, schools and on-site (by appointment only) to those who benefit from them most.

AJC548 - Freddy's Rescue Sanctuary

to home animals for life, where they will be safe from abuse, neglect etc, and allow people to get close to animals that they may not be able to, for special needs kiddies and adults to come in a calm quiet safe environment, as well as small families to enjoy the animals to show people how to look after and respect animals correctly, to try and stop people getting animals and then losing interest in them, to have the enjoyment love and respect back from the animals, we don't charge so everyone can have the chance to enjoy what we enjoy every day of the year, our animals do not do anything they arent happy with , that way it prevents injuries and accidents,

AJC293 - Jersey Bat Group

To survey and monitor bat populations; roosts, hibernacula and foraging sites on Jersey and provide information and education regarding bats to Jersey public. Where possible to take steps to help protect local bat populations in line with recommendations from the bat Species Action Plan.

AJC464 - Jersey Beekeepers Association

To promote and further the craft of beekeeping and associated interest in Jersey
To advance the education of its members in the craft of beekeeping
To advance the education of the public in the importance of bees to the environment and the environments impact on bees.

AJC220 - Jersey Dog Handlers Association

The Jersey Dog Handlers Association aim to educate children and adults to become responsible dog owners. They hold weekly training sessions to cover obedience and show handling. All club funds are raised by subscriptions and donations and the organising of fund-raising events.

AJC219 - Jersey Donkey Home

The aims and objects of the Jersey Donkey Home are to provide a temporary or permanent home and to provide care for any donkey in need for any reason whatsoever and to help to prevent cruelty and suffering among donkeys. They provide a permanent home for approximately 14 donkeys (at present) which includes feeding, veterinary care, farrier treatment and love. They are financed by donations and sponsorship.

AJC233 - Jersey Hedgehog Preservation Group

The JHPG cares for sick, injured and orphaned hedgehogs under veterinary guidance and supervision and releases them back into the wild, once they are fit again or old enough to be able to fend for themselves. We also try to increase public awareness about hedgehogs and the hazards they face and encourage children's interest in, and respect for, hedgehogs. The Group maintains a record of every hedgehog we care for and ear-tags as many as possible before release which will help us build up information on what happens to them once they are back in the wild.

If you find a hedgehog out of its nest in daylight, it will probably be in need of help, so please ring 01534 734340 as soon as possible for advice and assistance.

For further information please visit our website:

AJC334 - Jersey Rescue Dogs

Jersey Rescue Dogs rescue dogs from the UK and Ireland. They foster and find loving homes for the dogs in Jersey. Rehoming is their main focus but Jersey Rescue Dogs also offer sanctuary to a group of dogs who would otherwise struggle to find a home in accordance with the Animal Welfare (Jersey) Law 2004. Jersey Rescue Dogs work with the public to raise awareness of the plight of rescue dogs and promotes child safety around dogs with the Speak Dog & Stay Safe campaign.

AJC87 - Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

JSPCA Animals’ Shelter

Our Mission Statement:

“Prevent cruelty, promote knowledge, and provide for the aged, sick, lost and unwanted animals in Jersey”

History of the JSPCA:
In 1868 the Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (JSPCA) was founded and Miss Frances Elizabeth Wilson established the Jersey Animals' Shelter itself in 1913. In 1925 the JSPCA formed a Committee to assist Miss Wilson in her work, and in 1936 the JSPCA and Jersey Animals' Shelter amalgamated. This was a lifelong wish of Miss Wilson and took place shortly before her death.

JSPCA Animals' Shelter Services:
The JSPCA Animals' Shelter provides a range of services relating to animal care, offering help and advice for all members of the public. These services include:

24-Hour Ambulance Service
The JSPCA Animals' Shelter provides a 24-hour ambulance service whereby members of the public can telephone for advice or assistance. Ambulance staff are available to rescue injured animals, collect strays and assist the public. The drivers provide an invaluable service in ensuring that help is always available for any animal or bird in distress.

Lost and Found Service
The JSPCA Animals' Shelter collects and cares for many of Jersey's stray animals and runs a comprehensive lost and found service. Every effort is made to reunite each stray animal received at the Shelter with its owner as quickly as possible. The JSPCA Animals' Shelter strongly recommends microchipping pets for identification purposes.

Boarding for Cats
The JSPCA Animals' Shelter has facilities to board your cats. Our Cattery has recently been redecorated and designed with maximum comfort and hygiene in mind and with the aim of minimising the risk and spread of disease. Each animal has its own individual kennel with an outside run. Every day, each cat is given a hands-on health check. The Shelter also offers an 'Emergency Boarding' service for which a number of kennels are kept available at all times. This service offers boarding facilities for cats belonging to people who may have to go into hospital.

Regardless of the reason or circumstances for being unable to keep a pet, the JSPCA Animals' Shelter will take in all unwanted companion animals and help to find them new and loving homes. Every animal is thoroughly health-checked and temperament assessed before being placed in a new home. Most animals are neutered, vaccinated and microchipped (as appropriate for the species) before becoming available for re-homing. Once a prospective new owner has been found, a home check will be carried out to ensure the animal's requirements can be met.

Animal Crematorium
The JSPCA understands and respects the special relationship that develops between people and their pets. On contacting the JSPCA Animals' Shelter, bereaved owners will find a sympathetic ear and can be reassured that their pet will be treated with the utmost dignity and care. The JSPCA Animals' Shelter provides the only Pet Cremation Service in Jersey and owns the Animals' Cemetery at First Tower.

Rescue and Rehabilitation of Injured Wildlife
The JSPCA provides free veterinary care to wildlife needing our help. The animals are cared for by our dedicated Clinic staff until they are able to be released back into the wild. During bad weather and storms, we care for any oiled sea birds that are washed up on our shores. We have a specialist facility which allows birds to be washed by our trained staff and stay in our care until they are ready to be released. From baby fledglings and squirrels needing around the clock care to injured geese and swans, we will provide care for animals in need.

The JSPCA educates our future generations about caring and helping animals in Jersey. Schools and clubs can organise presentations to learn more about the work we do across the Island. Please get in touch if you would like organise for us to visit you.

JSPCA Red Squirrel Disease Surveillance Scheme
The Jersey Red Squirrel Disease Surveillance programme studies the broad causes of squirrel mortality, researches into the prevalence and significance of diseases and infectious disease agents that are identified in the red squirrel population and examines how these may impact upon the long-term health, viability and survival of the Jersey red squirrels. The JSPCA Animals' Shelter liaises with the States of Jersey Environment Division on this important project which endeavours to implement a number of the proposed actions and recommendations outlined in the States of Jersey’s Red Squirrel Biodiversity Action Plan.

The JSPCA Affiliation Scheme was developed and introduced in 2001, whereby local animal charities and organisations are invited to 'join forces' and work together with the JSPCA to promote animal welfare and ensure that scarce resources are best utilised. The aim of this scheme is to present a united front against animal cruelty and promote all aspects of animal welfare.

AJC524 - Paws and Claws

To help people with animals large and small by either helping to rehome or giving advice on behavioural issues .

Giving a home to unwanted pets where possible on a long term basis when required .

Give adults and children alike a chance to visit and interact with our animals to enrich the animals and humans lives . Our Facebook page gives people the chance to buy things off our amazon wish list or people drop off donations of food and equipment when they kindly have anything however small it’s much appreciated


AJC504 - Alliance Francaise de Jersey

Each Alliance Française is a local non-profit organisation operating autonomously with no political or religious commitments.
All Alliances Françaises work towards three essential tasks: Offering French classes for all, both in France and abroad, spreading awareness of French and Francophone cultures and promoting cultural diversity.
Alliances Françaises have shared values which drive the network, acting as the basis for all their actions: Respect for cultural diversity,
A passion for exchanges and solidarity
The values of the non-profit sector
Striving for excellence in all activities undertaken Modernity and innovation


AJC238 - Art in the Frame Foundation

Art in the Frame Foundation, a Jersey registered not-for-profit charity, was founded 22 years ago by two art teachers. From the very start, Art in the Frame Foundation had two main objectives:

1) To help and support up-and-coming artists and craftworkers exhibit their work in Jersey and the UK by furthering opportunities for them.

2) To enhance the learning of the art and craft experience by bringing exciting and innovative artists and craftworkers to the island’s schools, from primary school to A Level, as well as to the island’s public and those with learning disabilities and to give talks and run workshops.

A major dream and a third objective, which very happily was realised 19 years ago, was to find a hub in which to carry out our objectives above. With the help of a Tourism Development Fund Grant, The Harbour Gallery at St Aubin, Jersey was born. Now it is a case of fundraising to help pay towards the commercial rents etc whilst still keeping our activities as accessible as possible to students in schools and of all ages and supporting up and coming artists/craftworkers.

AJC465 - ArtHouse Jersey - operating name of Jersey Arts Trust

The Jersey Arts Trust, operating as ArtHouse Jersey, is a Jersey-based charitable association that contributes towards the development of the arts in Jersey.

ArtHouse Jersey’s mission is to enable the creation and sharing of art and creativity that has a positive impact on our Island community.

AJC178 - Arts in Health Care Trust

The Trust was established to offer the benefits of the Arts, in their widest sense, to those people who would otherwise have limited access because of issues of health, mobility or special needs. It is a pioneering organisation which takes an holistic view of the healing process.

AJC538 - Ballet d'Jèrri Limited

We believe that every person should have the opportunity to experience fine art throughout their lives from a young age, and to be given space to explore their own relationship to it and opinions of it in a context that uncritically educates and nurtures. This exposure can foster self-knowledge and confidence in one's own preferences and insights as a consumer of art, an appreciation for different artistic disciplines and skill levels, and ultimately enhances overall self-worth and a deeper understanding of the human condition. The fine line between art and entertainment–while both are ultimately valuable–lies in that art is rooted in profound study and gently pushes or provokes, leading the audience into a place of self-examination and discovery.

Because of the isolated nature of island life, we must provide these opportunities at home, particularly for those without the means or inclination to travel. As a high-level resident performing arts company we are able to offer elevating audience experiences in a practical and unassuming manner, in free shows for schoolchildren, in subsidised tickets, in outdoor performances with open attendance, and in open days where the public can glimpse the work behind the scenes. In this way art becomes an integral thread woven into our local culture, belonging to our entire community.


To develop and present productions of contemporary ballet of the highest international standard, for the cultural benefit of the people of Jersey and with a particular emphasis on reaching the widest possible audience through affordable pricing and subsidised tickets, diverse, captivating programming, and internal policies that uphold equal opportunity and representation.


To utilise the art of ballet for the betterment of our community through programs designed to increase communication, understanding, and emotional and physical well-being.

Our mission, at its core, is actually very simple: we want to develop great art, and make sure that people get to experience it.

AJC223 - Band of the Island of Jersey

The Band of the Island of Jersey aim to provide musical entertainment and education to the people of Jersey and beyond. They provide entertainment by marching and band concerts for private and official functions.

AJC546 - Channel Islands Occupation Society (Jersey)

We are a non-political, voluntary organisation, dedicated to the preservation and record of all aspects of the German Occupation of Jersey during the Second World War. Preserved and renovated German Fortifications are opened for public viewing as and when volunteers are available.

AJC547 - Friends of Africa Jersey C I

Supporting diversity and inclusion in Jersey through arts and sharing culture by people from Africa and the Caribbean's who have decided to make Jersey their home. Sharing culture and heritage with islanders enriches Jersey as an island and also ensuring those moving to the island settle in well and contribute fully to the islands community.

The charity also provides advocacy for people moving to the island to understand employment rights and access to the right services at the right time reducing poverty and poor health outcomes.

AJC78 - Jersey Arts Centre Association

Jersey Arts Centre exists to foster the development and celebration of the arts island-wide and beyond.

- To enrich the quality of life for all residents and visitors
- To encourage participation in the performing, visual and literary arts
- To educate, inspire and to encourage debate

This is achieved by providing exciting, innovative, wide-ranging, challenging, professional and community arts in welcoming, high-quality and accessible environments.

AJC218 - Jersey Eisteddfod

The Jersey Eisteddfod is a charitable organisation which aims to promote all the arts in the island by exhibition and performance. Classes are held which are adjudicated by distinguished qualified people. In this way the competitors are helped to improve their skills. There are two festivals each year and thousands participate. It is run almost exclusively by volunteers and in any one year many hundreds are people are needed to help deliver the festivals.

AJC353 - Jersey Festival Choir

The Jersey Festival Choir is an adult, mixed-voice community choir of around 75-strong which has been making music in Jersey since 1955. Non-auditioned, we welcome both new and experienced singers.

Our weekly practices are held on Wednesdays from September to May between 7.30pm and 9.30pm at Jersey College Preparatory School (JCP) in St. Saviours.

Our main annual (charity/fundraising) events are the Festival of Carols at St Thomas’ Church in mid-December and a Spring Concert in St. Helier Methodist Centre at the end of April / iearly May. 

For the Festival of Carols, we welcome the Holmchase Singers and, over the years, have performed with the St. Cecilia Orchestra, Jersey Premier Brass and A Cappella Brass. Each year, there is a chosen charity for the Festival and, through this, the Choir has supported many local charities over the years.

For our Spring Concert, we perform major choral works, both classical and contemporary, with the St. Cecilia Orchestra. We always invite a professional conductor to lead us in the concert and are joined by visiting vocal soloists.

Important parts of our calendar also include singing Christmas carols in the Royal Square for the Soup Kitchen; and, on Liberation Day each year, we sing alongside La Ronde Concert Band as part of the commemoration and celebrations which take place in Liberation Square.

Over the years, we have also entered the Jersey Eisteddfod; sung Christmas music outside the Georgian House in New Street and at Government House; participated in the Jersey Music Service’s Summer Concert; and taken part in the BBC’s ‘Songs of Praise’. We have worked with a number of other local musical groups, including the Amity Singers and the Musical Originals.

For more information, please visit our website, find us on Facebook or contact our Secretary, Jeane Gruchy, telephone 856103, email

AJC161 - Jersey Heritage Trust

To collect, preserve and make accessible to the public the Island's historic sites, monuments and records to the public.

AJC552 - Jersey Literary Festival Association

Jersey Literary Festival Association runs an annual ten-day festival - Jersey Festival of Words - at the end of September.

Jersey Festival of Words has been running since 2015 and has a strong reputation as being an incredibly friendly festival that takes pride in attention to detail and looks after speakers very well. We're passionate about bringing thoughtful and challenging voices to our programme as well as commercial, household names. The programme comprises of a combination of acclaimed UK authors and a showcase of local talent, across all genres – celebrating words in all forms. Known for the diversity of its programming, in addition to literary events, this festival includes spoken word, drama, film, music, and visual arts, always with words at its heart.

Our free schools programme is at the heart of our festival and provides students with an exciting opportunity to see favourite authors perform in a theatre setting - a great way to excite interest and encourage reading. FOR THOSE CHILDREN WHOSE PARENTS MAY NOT BE ABLE TO PURCHASE A BOOK FOR THEIR CHILD WE AIM TO PROVIDE A FREE ONE SO THAT, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, THEY CAN TAKE A BOOK HOME TO KEEP THE MEMORY ALIVE AND SHARE IT WITH THEIR FAMILY. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP US TO EXTEND THIS SCHEME PLEASE MAKE A DONATION. THANK YOU.

AJC554 - Jersey Opera House Limited

Our mission is to passionately connect our diverse community with the transformative power of live art; educating, entertaining and empowering audiences.


AJC192 - La Ronde Concert Band of Jersey

To provide an opportunity for brass, woodwind and percussion players to meet together in a spirit of friendship for the rehearsal and performance of concert band music in order to improve the quality of performance and positively contribute to the musical environment of the island.

AJC366 - Le Congres des Parlers Normands et Jerriais

1. To encourage the use of Jerriais and promote and foster Jersey's indigenous cultural heritage.
2. To help organise events from time to time related to the Jerriais language and culture, alone or together with other organisations.

AJC308 - Music in Action Ltd

Music in Action's motto is to 'Inspire, Create, Educate'. The charity works to develop a fun and accessible cultural programme of the highest calibre, including outreach with educational music programmes designed to encourage and inspire children and young adults. They also work to raise money for other charities through concerts, providing opportunities for talented Jersey musicians to play with major stars.

The charity has implemented a series of outreach programmes in order to continue to 'lift spirits' and provide live music to those who have little access to it.  Working with local Jersey musicians, MiA is facilitating inspirational online therapeutic music sessions to the most vulnerable in society, including the elderly in care homes. The charity is also working to produce Jersey Sings!, which provides children all over the island the chance to come together and sing.

If you feel that you are in the position to do so at this challenging times, please consider donating. You will be directly supporting these initiatives, and bringing music to those who need it most. Please email for more information.

AJC246 - National Trust for Jersey

The Trust seeks to champion and protect the distinctive historical and environmental qualities of Jersey so that they remain at the very heart of Island life and can be enjoyed by all. This goal underlies its day to day activities which include the following:
(i) Safeguarding heritage at risk including historic buildings and natural landscapes
(II) Caring for and conserving the Trust's existing holdings to ensure that their ecological and historic significance is protected and enhanced
(iii) Ensuring that the public is able to access our sites wherever possible to do so through events, educational programmes, open days and an extensive network of footpaths and cycle tracks

AJC250 - Societe Jersiaise

To promote and encourage the study of the history, archaeology, language and many other subjects of interest in the Island of Jersey and conservation of the environment.

AJC257 - The Glass Rainbow Trust

To promote learning about and appreciation of stained glass especially by local artist Henry Thomas Bosdet (1856 - 1934)

AJC396 - Youth Arts Jersey

To support the development of arts based activities and opportunities for young people in Jersey, to promote their personal and social development and to enable them to have a voice which is heard across Jersey.


AJC266 - 7 Overseas (Island of Jersey) Squadron Air Training Corps

1. Promote and encourage in young people a practical interest in aviation.
2. Provide training which will be useful in service and civilian life.
3. Foster the spirit of adventure.
4. Develop the qualities of leadership and good citizenship through training in the following areas; communications, leadership, resourcefulness, endurance, courtesy and teamwork

AJC197 - Ace of Clubs

Provides after School and Holiday care facilities for children attending Rouge bouillon school and our island wide community.
To offer affordable quality Playcare for working parents in a child centred environment.

Playwork is a highly skilled profession that enriches and enhances provision for children’s meaningful play, in a child centred environment. It takes place where adults support children’s creation of a space in which to play but it is not driven by prescribed or adult led agendas. Playwork is a child and young person’s apprenticeship to adulthood. We are here to inspire and support our children on their journey.

AJC320 - Brighter Futures

About Brighter Futures:
Brighter Futures supports families in Jersey who are facing significant difficulties or challenges in their lives. Since 2008, Brighter Futures has supported over 3,450 families, benefitting over 13,400 Islanders.
Working alongside the main carer, our educational model provides them with the ways to thrive.
Supporting 150 families at any one time, we focus on 3 key areas;
* Parent and child relationships, helping our clients recognise and value their role as their child’s first and most important educator;
* Wellbeing and positive mental health, supporting social and emotional wellbeing, allowing increased resilience with the outside world to give our clients a brighter future and hope.
* Personal development and second chance learning provide the skills our clients may need to progress and succeed in education, work, and life.

The charity works with these families for a range of reasons including physical ill health and mental health issues many of whom are referred with high-risk and complex issues, including child protection concerns. From our facility at the Bridge, Georgetown, and our new hub at First Tower, families access a variety of services and programmes on a voluntary basis for an average of 3 years and are able to return for further support where needed.

Families come to Brighter Futures from a variety of backgrounds and for a number of reasons such as suffering from post-natal depression, substance misuse or addiction, depression or anxiety, financial difficulties, domestic abuse or isolation. The impact on children within the family associated with any of these issues is significant. All of these factors leave children in a position of disadvantage and without a safe and supportive home life and as a consequence, children can struggle to develop emotionally, physically, psychologically and verbally.

Our Vision:
For all families in Jersey to live safe, happy and healthy lives, supporting them in times of challenge to realise their full potential.

Our Mission:
Support families facing challenges and difficulties
Help to create strong family relationships where parents can support each other
Support parents in their role as their child’s key educator
Deliver a targeted service through the provision of evidence-based programmes and one-to-one support.

Our Values:
COMPASSION, TRUST AND NON-JUDGEMENTAL. We are committed to creating a compassionate, non-judgemental environment for the families that we work with. Brighter Futures promotes choice, dignity, consideration and respect.
COLLABORATION AND EQUALITY. We are committed to ensuring that the families who use our service are involved in developing our service.
QUALITY. We believe in evaluating our services and improving our practice. We are committed to integrity, objectivity, fairness and ethical business practices.
CO-OPERATION AND PARTNERSHIP. We are a strength-based educational model and are committed to working with other organisations to improve, develop and expand services for families facing challenges in Jersey.

Each family has a personalised package of support dependent on their needs; they are guided and able to choose which programmes and services are most appropriate and helpful to them. To support a family for one year cost £6,600.
Our fundraising target for 2024 is over £1 million, and is dependent on grants and foundations to contribute to essential support to families in Jersey who are most in need, we are also active in our community and are committed to investigating all sustainable funding options.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

AJC55 - Brightly

Who we are

Brightly is a small, independent Jersey charity that provides support to children and young people aged from newborn to 25 years; we also support the. Our remit is to those who are under the care of Children’s Services (currently circa 1,200 children and young people). These children and young people are either: -

  • living in residential care, foster care, or with extended family
  • have been in care (care-experienced)
  • acknowledged as being on the edge of care, being on the Child Protection Register, being identified as a Child in Need, or the child of care experienced parent/s.
  • on an Early Help Plan

Among other things, we help with education and training, health, and well-being, and moving towards independence. Our support includes anything from nursery placements for the children of care leavers, food vouchers in times of crisis, memberships for Jersey Zoo, and other attractions that allow quality family time. For care leavers, we will also help fund, over and above statutory allowances by the Government of Jersey, the cost of college courses, work clothes, tools, and medical fees. We also fund the cost of items for when they move into their first home, which is a very exciting, but big and expensive step.

All money raised by Brightly either stays in Jersey for the benefit of island residents or can be applied in cases where local children and young people (covered by our remit) are cared for off-island.

How and what we support

Typically, it is health and social care professionals, or others who know the individual’s situation well, who apply to us for financial help to support those they are working with.

We consider all requests on an individual basis. We pride ourselves on being agile and making swift decisions, we seek to minimise bureaucracy.

We do not support applications for goods or services that are included in grants or benefits from the Government of Jersey.


AJC183 - Carers Jersey

Act as a pressure group on behalf of carers and to provide information and support to carers. Gain recognition for carers by family, community services providers and States of Jersey Members.

Carers Jersey is the brand name of Jersey Association of Carers Incorporated

AJC436 - Caring Cooks of Jersey

Caring Cooks of Jersey is a local based charity with a mission to empower children and young people in Jersey to grow, cook and eat healthy food in childhood and beyond.

We specifically support families with children of school age, as we strongly believe that food and nutrition from an early age in a child's life is very important and we want to support children, at school and at home, to make that a part of daily life, through the services we provide –

Weekly Meal Service – supporting families through hardship, for 6 weeks or longer, to allow them to eat well and eat together, at least once a week, without the worry of having to cook or spend money on ingredients.

Kitchen Garden Project – an outdoor learning programme teaching children how to plant food from seed and grow it to cook with.  It also provides opportunities for children to reconnect with nature and the environment in an educational setting.

Let’s Get Cooking Programme –  a cross curricular and progressive skills based programme for primary schools in Jersey which aims to ensure children go to secondary school with an understanding of basic nutrition, an armoury of essential life skills and are able to make positive informed food choices.

Flourish- providing States primary schools in Jersey with a nutritionally balanced two course hot school lunch, every day, fuelling children’s learning ability playing a crucial role in the prevention of ill health in children.

All our service are free of charge to families and are funded by charity donations.

AJC182 - Causeway

To provide housing and offer support to lone pregnant women and mothers with young children. To help mothers move forward to a positive future.

AJC92 - Centrepoint

The object of Centrepoint is to promote the welfare of children in Jersey by providing child-first, leading quality child care in nurturing environments within our nurseries, play care and special needs centres. At Centrepoint we provide the absolute best possible start for our island’s children supporting their emotional, physical and mental development through exploration, learning and fun.
Centrepoint operates at the highest professional standards expected of an organisation of this stature. We rely on fees payable by parents in order to finance our operations but we provide financial support to parents/carers of children who would otherwise be unable to access a nursery or play care setting. This can include either full or partial fee remission. This support also includes subsidised rates and flexible hours for children of keyworkers who work shifts as a typical part of their job.
We allocate 10 fully subsidised play care spaces (term-time), 10 fully subsidised play care holiday spaces (full-time) and 6 fully subsidised nursery spaces (3 per setting) to enable us to provide this support. (subject to availability)
In that way, we are committed not only to expanding the services we offer to the public but also to playing even more of a key role in supporting children and families within the community whose need is greatest. We seek always to ensure that those parents who pay full fees for services understand the nature and importance of this commitment. This includes the development of an Emergency Care Provision with a view to caring for the children of parents and/or the siblings of children who have experienced some adversity or setback which has resulted in them requiring immediate, short term, child care. We also provide heavily subsidised medium term and long term child care where it is felt that the welfare and the emotional and/or physical wellbeing of the child is at risk.
We offer a supported breakfast, after school, Weekend and Holiday Club for children with complex/special needs who are unable to access mainstream clubs. We currently have over 80 children actively attending the clubs, and we have provided care for over 130 children to date. We work alongside and supporting other organisations who also specialise in the care of children with complex/special needs.
We aim to keep the fees that we charge for our child care as low as possible, but at a level which ensures, first, that we can continue to deliver exceptional child care with highly qualified, experienced and committed staff within excellent facilities, and secondly, meet our charitable objects by apportioning some of the revenue received from fees, along with proceeds from specific fundraising activities.

AJC97 - Duke of Edinburgh's Award Jersey

The DofE Jersey committee aims to promote the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award locally and to support the various groups licenced independently to deliver the Award throughout the Island. Over 600 young people can be involved in the Award at any one time in Jersey and are able to participate through belonging to organised groups, schools or a national youth organisation. Young people can become involved in the Award from the age of 14 and are able to continue to work towards their goals until they are 25.

There are three Award levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold; within each section participants are challenged to gain experiences through volunteering to help others, taking part in group expeditions, learning new skills, and undertaking physical activity. At Gold level only, a short stay away from home is also required. Young people undertake the activities in their own time and can tailor their activities whatever their interests and abilities. Participation in the Award is a valuable addition to any CV as it is recognised worldwide.

When young people achieve a gold award, a presentation of their badge is made in Jersey, usually at Government House, and the young person is invited to attend a certificate presentation, normally held at St James's Palace, London.

AJC466 - Every Child Our Future (ECOF)

Every Child Our Future aims to support children with the educational foundations they need to thrive. We are guided by the following principles:
Early Intervention We believe that intervening early in a child's life has the biggest impact.
Working in Partnership We work in partnership with schools, government, community volunteers, corporate partners, and other organizations to deliver support to children.
Building Foundations We focus on building the foundations of children's learning. For this reason, our programmes include supporting the development of language, literacy and numeracy skills, the building blocks of education.
Tackling Inequality We believe that every child should have the same opportunities in life. We therefore focus our efforts on those with the greatest need.
Enduring Impact We strive to develop interventions which will have enduring impact. For this reason, we adopt an evidence-based approach, piloting programmes and developing them in collaboration with schools and the Government in the hope and expectation that they will embed such programmes as part of school life.

In partnership with Children Young People Education and Skills and Jersey Library, we deliver:

Reading Recovery programme run by specialist teacher
Trained volunteers who read and share books with children
Trained volunteers who support children with their numeracy
Trained volunteers who support children in a pre-school settings.
Trained volunteers who support children at Jersey Library
Inspiring the Future Jersey

Our volunteers commit to giving one or two hours to support children on a one-to-one basis. All volunteers undergo specialised training before they start and will need to complete an Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check.

AJC226 - Family Mediation Jersey

To benefit the community by the provision of means whereby separating and divorced couples may reach joint decisions and agreements concerning the future of their children and their relationship, and division of family assets.
Services may be used by married, unmarried or couples in a civil partnership.
We also offer child inclusive mediation so parents can give their children ( aged 7+) the opportunity to talk independently to a specially trained mediator about how they’re feeling which may help parents with their decision-making.
Our mediators can also work with young people (aged 16+) who may be struggling in their relationship with parents, step parents or other family members to help with communication and resolving differences.
Other issues we are able to mediate include disputes around property and inheritance, medical care of elderly relatives and communication difficulties and disagreements between family members.

AJC155 - Girlguiding Jersey

Guiding provides the opportunity for girls and young women to develop self-respect and confidence, think for themselves, make new friends, learn teamwork and leadership skills and develop personal values.

AJC307 - Gorey Youth Project

Educational, social, recreational activities such as: arts & crafts, music, drama, sport, outdoor activities, trips and residentials, issue-based youth work, personal development, advice and information.

AJC471 - Grands Vaux Youth Centre

To raise funds to help and support young people, aged 9 to 21 to develop their full potential, in all aspects of their lives, both as individuals and as members of the wider community, This being achieved by supporting a wide range of activities, providing opportunities, support and structure, which are both enjoyable and educational, in a safe and inclusive environment. This, to be achieved inline with the policies and guidelines, of the Jersey Youth Service, by promoting equal opportunities

AJC386 - Helping Wings Jersey's Flying Charity

To enable disadvantaged children and the disabled of all ages to share the exhilaration and fulfillment of flying.

AJC532 - James' Ark

James Ark Jersey

Our mission is to encourage father involvement by early intervention after family separation.
We aim to lower conflict and offer emotional support through the separation process.
We support fathers and their families suffering from long-term separation to find effective ways to reconnect with their children.
James’ Ark does not discriminate. We extend our support to anyone affected by this.


• To promote equality for both parents regardless of gender.
• To raise awareness of the effects of family separation.
• To lower the conflict between parents after separation by early intervention.
• To support families to avoid children being separated from their parents for prolonged periods.
• To encourage father involvement by supporting fathers to reconnect with their children.
• To support families affected by fatherlessness.
• To raise awareness of the need for children to have a loving relationship with both parents.


JAYF provides safe, affordable, and supervised accommodation to young people between the ages of 18 and 25 who might otherwise be homeless in Jersey. Although rough sleeping is the most visible form of homelessness, more young people experience ‘hidden homelessness.’ Pushed to the brink, they are sleeping on sofas of family and friends or living in cars with no stability or security. The demand for accommodation is at its highest ever due to the impact of COVID and the cost-of-living crisis on young people, including loss of employment, rising rent and family breakdown

JAYF provides a degree of stability and security as a stepping stone to enable residents to find employment and find more permanent accommodation; and holistic, person-centred, responsive, flexible, quality support, in a positive environment where issues connected to homelessness can be addressed. JAYF empowers residents to achieve their goals and get access to appropriate services.

AJC336 - Jersey Association for Family Therapy

To encourage and support the practice and training of professionals in family therapy and related therapeutic approaches.

AJC543 - Jersey Cares Limited

Jersey Cares is an independent organisation for people with experience of care. By this, we mean children, young people and adults of any age who have, or have had, a social worker involved in family life. The person could live on or off-island. This could be:

- Foster care

- Residential care

- Supported accommodation

- ‘Secure’ care

- Mums and / or Dads but have a Social Worker

- Extended family or friends

Our vision is love, belonging and opportunity for care-experienced people. We listen to and amplify the voice and needs of people with care experience. Advocacy makes sure a person has a strong voice, is heard and has as much control over their own lives as possible.

We respond to make sure change happens by taking action through one-to-one advocacy, collaboration and influencing. We also offer ways for young people to share their views and experiences to influence public awareness, practice, policies and legislation. We’ve built many links with others across the UK and elsewhere doing similar work.

We listen to you and make sure the people who make decisions about your life listen to what matters to you and we can offer help in many different ways.

Advocacy: Listening to what matters to you, we make sure you know your rights, that you are heard and that people respond

Community: Activities, connections and offers from local organisations who want to help.

Influencing: Listening to what you want to change, we create opportunities to drive those changes. These are creative and fun!.

If you are not sure about how we can help – please ask! We would love to hear from you.

AJC241 - Jersey Child Care Trust

We are a local registered charity making a big difference for children living with disabilities and/or adversity. By putting families first, we deliver a variety of programmes and services to enable children to have their best start.

AJC397 - Jersey Children's Charity

Purchase life saving equipment for the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) and children's (Robin) wards at the general hospital. Assist families with travel costs where there is a need to travel the UK for their child's treatment. Assist families with the treatment of their children where there is a gap in funding provided by the States of Jersey. Sponsor special projects for all the island's children such as educational community days.

AJC122 - Jersey Scout Association

Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

These skills for life are developed through participation in a programme, underpinned by our method, and delivered principally in Squirrel Dreys, Beaver Colonies, Cub Packs, Scout Troops, Explorer Units and Scout Networks.

The objectives are to provide opportunities for younger people, in partnership with adults to:
a) participate in a balanced programme of activities & challenges.
b) develop leadership & organisational skills.
c) take an increasing responsibility for their personal development.

The programme in each of these Sections is delivered by a volunteer Section Leadership Team working in partnership with the young people in their Section.

Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:

- enjoy what they are doing and have fun
- take part in activities indoors and outdoors
- learn by doing
- share in spiritual reflection
- take responsibility and make choices
- undertake new and challenging activities
- make and live by their Promise.


AJC265 - Jersey Sea Cadet Corps

Jersey Sea Cadet Unit – Incorporating Junior Sea Cadet’s, Sea Cadet’s & Royal Marines Cadet’s.  The organisation aims to give young people the best start in life through training, education, and fun activities, all with a nautical theme, based on the values and traditions of the Royal Navy.  We develop young leaders and prepare them for adult life!

AJC516 - Jersey Youth Performing Arts


• To provide access to the performing arts to young people in Jersey irrespective of socio-economic background.

• To encourage inclusivity in the performing arts.

• To promote the educational benefits of involvement in the performing arts

The income of JYPA shall be applied solely towards the promotion of these objectives.

Our core beliefs:

• all young people have a right to participate in high quality, engaging, challenging and meaningful theatre experiences.

• Youth theatre is vital to the personal, social, political, aesthetic and educational development of young people. The theatre art is a universal expression of human kind and helps young people to find their place and voice in society.

• Youth theatre should reflect and represent the diversity of all young people taking part.

AJC212 - Jersey Youth Trust

Jersey Youth Trust aims to provide high quality information, advice and support to young people aged 25 years & under through the project of the Youth Enquiry Service (YES). YES provides a 1:2:1 Counselling alongside the drop-in facilities which are open Monday to Thursday from 2 - 7pm Friday 2-6pm & Saturdays 11-4pm. Jersey Youth Trust work in partnership with the Youth Service to provide a targeted project that supports the health and wellbeing of young people. The drop-in is based at The Link, Eagle House, La Colomberie. Jersey Youth Trust receive financial support both from the States and various charitable trusts.

AJC482 - La Pouquelaye Youth Project

The objectives of the Charity shall be to support the development of youth work opportunities for young people, to promote their personal and social development and enable them to have a voice which is heard in their local Parish and in Jersey.  This will include provision of the following:

·       A safe, warm, well equipped and accessible venue for young people to meet at times when they are needed, giving them the opportunity to participate in a broad youth work programme which meets their needs.
·       Varied provision to include building based youth work at the La Pouquelaye Youth Project as well as detached and outreach youth work and residentials both on and off the island.
·       Range of youth work opportunities to support young people’s personal and social development including art, music, drama, sport and outdoor activities to develop new skills, build self-confidence and explore issues that impact on their lives.
·       Access to information and advice on a variety of issues that impact on their lives from trained and experienced youth workers who they trust and feel comfortable with, knowing they will be non-judgmental and supportive.
·       Opportunity to be involved in developing their Youth Project through involvement in decision making and by completing an annual questionnaire to say what they think of youth service provision.
·       Empowered to have a voice and to be heard on issues that they feel strongly about both by having representation on the Jersey Youth Assembly and through other creative methods of participation.
·       Provide opportunities for young people to train as a Young Youth Worker Volunteer or a Peer Educator.
·       Participate in recognized youth achievement programmes which offer accreditation for informal learning such as D. of E. Award, Prince’s Trust programmes, On 2 Wheels or the Youth Achievement Award.

AJC330 - Le Squez Youth Club

Informal education, drop-in youth club, open sessions, issue based work - sexual health/relationships, drugs, alcohol etc., computers, Internet, cafe, pool, sports hall, counselling and advice, outings, off-island residentials, summer activities, visits to other youth clubs, Duke of Edinburgh's Award, meet friends, socialise

AJC505 - Maufant Youth Project

The charitable purpose of the charity is the advancement of citizenship or community development

The objects of the charity are 1) to support the development of youth work opportunities for young people; 2) to promote their personal and social development; and 3) to enable them to have a voice which is heard in their local parish and in the island of Jersey

The income and property of the charity are applied solely towards the promotion of the objects

AJC331 - Milli's Separated Family Centre

Milli's Separated Family Centre is a community organisation that works with everyone affected by family separation in order to bring about better outcomes for children.

Our services are available to parents who are caring for their children alone, those who are sharing care and those who are not able to spend time with their children. Parents, carers, grandparents or anyone else with concerns about family separation are welcome.

Our child focused work is designed to help parents:
• Understand and deal with their own and their children's experiences of the separation.
• Make private arrangements for how their children will spend time with both of them.
• Work out how to provide financially for their children and
• Improve communications so that they can manage the transitions that come with separation in the years to come.

"Putting Children First" course

This 6-week course will offer you information, tools and strategies to manage divorce or
separation in a way that helps the whole family adjust to the transitions.

Looking at the impact on you and helping you to work through the difficult issues,
understanding your children's reactions and how best to support them in adjusting and
adapting to the changes, making private agreements for parenting time and financial
provision for children and tools to help you build a co-operative parenting relationship.
Delivered by Catherine Halliwell Fd (Open), MBACP, MNCS Accrd Dip Couns


Charity shop
Volunteers are required throughout the week to help at our shop. Mornings or afternoons – hours to suit.
• Sorting donations
• Ironing
• Displaying items
• Serving and assisting customers

Milli’s child contact centre
Volunteers –
• Helps prepare the centre in advance of clients arriving
• Welcome new clients and help settle them in
• Generally ensure the well-being of all users
• Assist parents wherever needed
• Tidy up at the end of the session

Volunteers need to possess the following qualities:

It is extremely useful if you have an understanding of family breakdown and/or experience of working with children but not essential.

Volunteers are required to commit to at least one Sunday roughly every 3 weeks. DBS checks are undertaken. You will be required to undertake the minimum of two training sessions per year.

All our volunteers are invited to attend meetings and as part of the team we hope you will participate at fund raising and/or promotional events which would include setting up and clear away if required. If you would like to join us as a volunteer, please email us at or call us on 07797-798192 to request an application form.

AJC352 - Move On Youth Project

Move on Youth Projects is a charity which supports the development of youth work opportunities for young people who live in the Parish of St Helier and the surrounding area.Our aim is to provide:
A safe, warm, well equipped and accessible venue for young people to meet at times when they are needed, giving them the opportunity to participate in a broad youth work programme which meets their needs.
A range of youth work opportunities to support young people's personal and social development, including art, music, drama, sport and outdoor activities to develop new skills, to build self-confidence and explore issues that impact on their lives.
Access to information and advice on a variety of issues that impact on their lives from trained and experienced youth workers who they trust and feel comfortable with, knowing they will be non-judgmental and supportive.
Providing a voice and to be heard on issues that they feel strongly about both by having representation on the projects advisory group and through other creative methods of participation.
Our work is conducted via Street based Youth Work, the Mobile Bus Project and the soon to be opened, refurbished Move On Cafe at Liberty Wharf.

AJC179 - NSPCC Jersey

NSPCC Jersey Service Centre,

The NSPCC Jersey Service Centre is an island-wide service that provides vital support to local families. We are based at The Gower Centre in Stopford Road, St Helier.

We are delivering cutting edge services to protect children, prevent abuse and give children the help and support they need. We believe in a society where every child is happy, fulfilled and free from fear.

For more information, please contact the NSPCC in Jersey on (01534) 760800 / Freephone: 0800 090 2270 or email

You can also visit us on Facebook and Twitter

Services on Offer:

Therapeutic service
Letting The Future In (LTFI) is a therapeutic service for children and young people age 4 to 17, who have made a disclosure of sexual abuse. Many children and young people feel confused and upset by what has happened to them, so a wide range of therapeutic techniques are used by our practitioners at the one to one sessions including play and art activities which gives children and young people an opportunity to explain how they are feeling. The service is designed to work with children, young people and the safe parent and or carer.

Childline Schools Service
Our Speak Out Stay Safe programme for schools gives children the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse and neglect. With the help of our mascot Buddy, the programme provides child-friendly, interactive assemblies and workshops in Channel Island primary schools, to help all children aged 4 - 11 learn essential safeguarding information in a lively, interactive and memorable way.

AJC446 - Pathways

PATHWAYS is a non-profit organisation, passionate about encouraging, equipping and empowering children and young people in recognising their potential and self worth by providing a range of opportunities that inspire, foster active involvement and engagement, build self confidence, share responsibility and commitment and provide experience and skills for life.

AJC435 - Philip's Footprints

Our Aims:

To support bereaved parents after the loss of a baby or child and 
To raise awareness of baby loss;
To invest in projects that make pregnancies safer, such as antenatal training, equipment and education, to support the reduction of miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death.

Our Objectives:

Over the years the charity has grown and Philip's Footprints now supports:-

Safer Pregnancy Projects - funding antenatal training and equipment and information on safer pregnancies to reduce the number of stillbirths, premature births and complications at birth. Improving outcomes and giving every family the opportunity for a positive birth experience and giving Jersey babies the best start in life;
Memories Matter - supporting families affected by the loss of a baby, at any gestation, no matter how long ago. We offer comfort in our memory boxes given to the Maternity Unit, Rayner Ward (for early 2nd trimester losses) and Robin Ward to distribute. We are currently working with Rayner Ward for early miscarriage losses and Jersey Hospice (Children and Young People Service) and Family Nursing & Home Care (Paediatric Palliative Care team) to provide memory boxes for children who die outside of the hospital environment. Whilst all recipients of memory boxes are data protected, our contact details are included and we can offer peer support or guidance when contacted.

As well as 121 peer support, we hold regular group support meetings for people affected by early and later loss.

We also fund an annual grant towards bereavement and emotional counselling at Jersey Hospice.

Our Christmas candlelit carol service is open to anyone affected by the loss of a baby or child, of any age or gestation, and gives the opportunity to pause before the rush of Christmas, remember and honour their memories.

AJC73 - Relate Jersey

We have a team of four qualified counsellors and psycho-sexual therapists who work with adult couples or individuals regardless of sexual orientation, providing a professional and confidential service. We aim to help people through difficult stages in their relationships and explore emotional and sexual difficulties that can arise in the life of and at the end of relationships. Relate provides people with the breathing space, where they can feel heard and understood and we can help people cope with the pain and difficulties they are experiencing. 

To continue to provide our services, we rely on a grant from the States, some Parishes grants and client contributions. Any shortfall in income needs to be made up through fund raising events and individual donations. 

For further details on our relationship counselling and psychosexual therapy services, or to find out if you qualify for funded sessions through the National Contracts we hold, please visit our website.


AJC558 - Skate Space

Skate Space will oversee and motivate the community project to convert the disused St Ouen's Methodist Chapel into a place for skateboarding. The broader purpose of this is to facilitate and encourage community connection, participation in physical activity, and the progression of the art and culture surrounding skateboarding on island. Skate Space will create spaces where the culture and sport of skateboarding can thrive. On going, Skate Space will facilitate workshops and mentoring sessions specifically pertaining to the art, film and photographic culture surrounding the sport.

AJC361 - St Brelade Youth Project

Involving, celebrating, providing for, working with, encouraging, enabling and promoting young people.

AJC515 - St Helier Youth & Community Trust

The St Helier Youth & Community Trust is a registered charity part funded by a grant from the Parish of St Helier. The Trust is a non-political, non religious body whose aim is to benefit the residents of the Parish, those with a close association with the parish and those resident in the greater urban area which may include neighbouring urban parishes. The trust wishes to assist and invest in projects that will particularly benefit the youth, the elderly and those most in need.

The trust provides a central generic vehicle for charitable giving within the Parish. The Trust raises funds and commits them to community based projects both large and small.

In essence, its aims are :-

To act as a channel for charitable giving for social projects that are not otherwise provided by the municipality. Projects are for the benefit of all parishioners but particularly the young and the elderly

AJC328 - St John Youth Project

To support the further development of youth work opportunities for young people in the parish of St John and to provide a safe, warm and well equipped venue for young people to meet while encouraging participation and personal development

AJC56 - St Lawrence Youth Project

The Youth Club was formed in 1977 under the name of Coin Varin Youth & Community Centre. Its principal function is as a Youth Club catering for young people living in the Parish of St. Lawrence. It is non-denominational and is divided into junior and senior sections. The affairs of the centre are directed by a Management Committee. Finance is raised by means of entrance charges, annual Youth Service grants, grants from the Parish and by fund-raising events.

AJC332 - St Mary Youth Project

The Youth Club offers a safe, warm, inviting and affordable facility for young people to meet, socialise and gain support and advice when needed.
Members of the Youth Club are encouraged to participate in many of the events organised in the wider community in St Mary, for example having a presence at parish events where they provided entertainments and refreshments, demonstrating that the members are a valued and valuable part of the community. Given that events have been placed on hold recently they have undertaken such events as litter picking.

AJC351 - St Ouen's Youth Club

Providing a safe environment for young people to develop their social and life skills in the parish of St Ouen

AJC372 - St Peter's Youth Club

The aim of the youth club is to help young people (9-18 years of age) especially but not exclusively through leisure time activities, so as to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capacities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society. The club encourages young peoples development, ensures that the youth club is democratic, responsive and is relevant to the needs of young people.

AJC364 - Teenage Cancer Trust, Jersey Appeal

Nationally 1 in 2 of us are now likely to receive a cancer diagnosis in our lifetimes. Being diagnosed at such a young age can throw lives off track more than at any other time and can feel particularly unjust.

We are a local charity consisting of a volunteering fundraising committee. We make sure young people in Jersey don’t face cancer alone. We do it by providing funds which enable world-class cancer care and support in our specialist unit at Southampton Hospital and in the Jersey Hospital.

We are there at every stage, from diagnosis through treatment and after treatment. We bring young people from Jersey together with other young people at weekend events where they can talk through anything that’s on their minds. Our most popular weekend is Find Your Sense of Tumour. Our online learning hub which we provide to schools in Jersey, offers lesson plans, factsheets, research, activities packs, posters and other resources to help teachers share accurate, up to date information and feel more confident discussing cancer.

In Jersey we aim to raise as much money as we can so that our teenagers in Jersey can receive the best treatment and age appropriate care. This helps improve the care and quality of life and makes the experience of treatment for cancer less traumatic for them and their families. We rely 100% on
voluntary donations to protect and grow these vital services for teenagers in Jersey.

AJC235 - Tommy's The Baby Charity

Why is our research vital?
One in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage

Over 100,000 women lose their babies each year and the cause is often unknown.This High rate has remained since 1930's

One in 188 babies is stillborn
Although this rate is falling there is still no clear medical reason given for over half of all stillbirths

100 babies are born too small or too soon each day

One in ten of these babies will die or develop serious and permanat disabilities.

The object of the charity is to raise money for advancement in education and practice of gynaecology and funding research

AJC295 - Trinity Youth Project

The aims and objectives of Trinity Youth Project are to provide, during their leisure time, opportunities for young people complementary to those of home, school and work. To offer an exciting range of activities of a physical, social and cultural nature through which young people and other groups will learn more about themselves, working in groups and the community in which the youth should be a living part and also to help their physical, mental and moral approaches to society and life.

AJC14 - Variety - the Children's Charity of Jersey

Variety - the Children's Charity of Jersey is dedicated to promoting and protecting the health and well-being of children in Jersey. Tent 52 offers financial assistance and support to disabled and disadvantaged children and other organisations in Jersey, to give a wider range of opportunities to the children in their care.

Through hard work, thoughtful stewardship and single-minded focus on the needs of the young, Variety strives to make a lasting difference by bringing hope and comfort to the lives of the less fortunate children and their families in our Island.

AJC214 - Variety Sailing Trust

The Variety Sailing Trust exists to provide sailing opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged children and young people in Jersey, Channel Islands. Each year, hundreds of local people are able to enjoy and benefit from the experience of going afloat under sail.

The Trust currently operates a 38 foot Broadblue 385 catamaran called "Vernon Lilford Spirit of Variety" which has been modified to allow disabled access. Built in Poland in 2006, the yacht provides a stable and safe platform for people to enjoy an experience at sea.

The Variety Sailing Trust works in partnership with PraxisIFM to manage the yacht on a day-to-day basis and to provide support in training skippers and crew.

AJC450 - Young Enterprise Jersey

To inspire and educate young people to understand and value the role of business, through practical business projects which develop attitudes and skills for personal success, lifelong learning and employability.


AJC555 - Air Rescue Channel Islands

Air Rescue Channel Islands is staffed entirely by volunteers and in February 2024 we launched our Emergency Drone Team in Jersey which will provide the Island's emergency services with a trained drone pilot, duty officer and a range of specialist equipment 24/7. The drone team will work closely with others agencies such as our Lifeboat colleagues where the specialist cameras, lighting, speakers and other technology from the drone can greatly enhance the collaborative search and rescue operation. The service is available to the emergency services in Guernsey on an ad hoc basis should there be a significant incident and until such time as we replicate the operation here in Jersey on a formal and permanent basis in Guernsey.

Our specialist drones range in scale and specifications to assist in emergency operations. The range of features that can be delivered by the fleet include the ability to fly in inclement weather, thermal imaging, extensive optical zoom (200x), speakers with live audio link, unlimited flight time (days / weeks), live streaming to control rooms on island, (and off island if necessary) and rapid 3d mapping.

Our team of pilots have to maintain a minimum level of flight hours and our aim is to use some of this training time to assist good causes and projects where one of our training drones can be of benefit, e.g. mapping seagrass, remote viewing of bird nesting sites.

AJC529 - British Red Cross

British Red Cross mission is to alleviate human suffering, protect life and health, and uphold human dignity,

The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination in its international and national capacity—to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being.

In Jersey the Red Cross strive to raise awareness and improve understanding of what it does to make a difference to some of our island's most vulnerable community.

In Jersey we offer a support in the form of a Community Connector service funded by the Jersey Charitable Foundation Trust. At the British Red Cross we’re here to support adults who may feel unsure of where to turn and lonely or isolated exacerbated by Covid 19.

We aim to help each person to feel better connected and be able to enjoy the benefits of being more involved in their local community. Our offer is built around enabling people to realise the things they want to achieve and help them achieve it

Together we’ll develop a tailored plan focused on helping people towards a brighter and better- connected future. For each person, our support looks a little bit different. We can help people to

* Rediscover their interests * Rebuild their independence

AJC557 - Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth

The Catholic Church in Jersey is part of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth and carries out its purposes by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the wider community. It aims to advance its charitable objects through the following key areas:

• Providing opportunities for welcome, welfare and worship by all sections of the community.

• Engagement with Island non-Catholic churches and other faith groups.

• Undertaking and promoting social action projects, such as foodbanks, community sponsorship schemes, work with vulnerable groups either independently or in collaboration with other local charities and groups.

• Preserving and investing in the property infrastructure of the Diocese and its parishes.

In the past year, the Catholic Church in Jersey has actively sought to do this by ensuring that four of our churches are open daily to anyone for prayer. Our clergy have held regular services in English, Polish and Portuguese. They have officiated at the usual rites of passage for Catholics, namely baptism, first Holy Communion and marriage. They have officiated at over a hundred and fifty funerals, provided study groups in Advent and Lent and all year-round chaplaincy services to Jersey Hospital, Jersey Hospice, La Moye Prison and the island’s three independent Catholic schools. They have also responded daily to callers at the Parish Office seeking spiritual counsel and advice, many from the local Portuguese community.

AJC448 - Christian Portuguese Mission

To offer a comprehensive range of support for Portuguese people enabling them to worship God in their own language.. When necessary give support to those with matrimonial problems and giving comfort to the grieving. Create links and support the churches in Mozambique as well as helping support orphan children at the Ebenezer Day Care Centre in Beira, Mozambique, and also a day care centre in Chimoio, Mozambique, and also a day care centre in Hatone - Chikwawa, Malawi.

AJC88 - Christians Together in Jersey

Christians together in Jersey was originally formed in June 1966 under the name of the Jersey Council of Churches, when representatives of the main Protestant churches signed a declaration seeking to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God. The council became truly representative of all the main churches in Jersey when, shortly after, in 1968, the Roman Catholic Church applied and was admitted to membership.The objective of Christians Together in Jersey is to be a visible sign of the churches' commitment to one another by:1. Promoting theological reflection and discussion relating to the unity of the Church and its mission (unity).2. Encouraging the sharing and understanding of each other's spritual traditions (worship).3. Fostering ways of sharing the Gospel with the community (evangelism).4. Helping churches make a practical response to human needs, and seeking a common mind through shared decision-making, wherever possible, as part of a growing unit(social responsibility).5. Maintaining and promoting the work of Christian Aid and other Aid agencies.

AJC156 - Citizens Advice Jersey

We help people find a way forward.
We can all face problems that seem complicated or intimidating. At Citizens Advice Jersey, we believe no one should have to face these problems without good quality, independent advice.
That’s why we’re here: to give people the knowledge and the confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem.

We give advice to thousands of people.
We offer confidential advice by e-mail, over the phone and in person for free. When we say we’re for everyone, we mean it. People rely on us because we’re independent and totally impartial.

We speak up for our clients.
No one else sees so many people with so many different kinds of problems, and that gives us a unique insight into the challenges people are facing today.
With the right evidence, we can show big organisations – from sole traders right up to the government – how they can make things better for people.

AJC211 - Community Savings Ltd

Community Savings aims to give help and support to financially or socially disadvantaged islanders, by providing access to basic financial services to those individuals who would otherwise be denied access to a bank account. We also offer financial mentoring, budgeting and debt advice, as well as emergency funding by way of grants and low-cost loans.

A further aim is to improve the levels of financial literacy and understanding within the community. We also work with other charities and third sector organisations to develop bespoke programmes to meet the specific needs of their service users.

Opening hours are between 9.30 am to 12.30 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays.
To find out how to become a member, support the charity, or volunteer please contact the Administrator.

AJC503 - Crimestoppers Jersey

Crimestoppers Jersey is an independent registered charity run by professional volunteers who are committed to providing the community with the most effective means of reporting crimes 100% anonymously.

Crimes or attempted crimes can be either reported by telephone 24/7, 365 days a year or online.  Callers do not have to give their name, or any personal information and calls cannot be traced.  Your computer and mobile phone IP addresses cannot be tracked or saved. 

Crimestoppers is not the police and anonymous means you will not need to appear in court or give a statement to the police.

Help yourself and the community stay safe, don’t delay and contact Crimestoppers today. 

Call 0800 555 111 or visit the website

AJC371 - First Tower Community Association

To foster mutual support for all members of the FTC to develop amenities within the FTC.  To enhance the FTC's environment to investigate major concerns and seek political support.  To promote, hold, give, contribute towards and support all kinds of fund raising events, appeals, socials, puiblic meetings performances and functions in connection with all or any of these objects.

AJC520 - Georgetown Methodist Church

We will provide opportunity for worship, service, mission and mutual support among our Church family, presenting an inclusive welcome to the neighbourhood and aiming to be a visible presence in the community.

We will develop our premises further to be an attractive, flexible and useful asset to our worship, ministry, and mission.

AJC437 - Gorey Fete and St Martin's Bonfire

To provide community events with profits going to charity. To distribute funds at the committee's discretion to Jersey (Channel Islands) charities and charities with a Jersey branch.

AJC304 - Grace Trust Jersey

Established in 1999, Grace Trust Jersey is a fully registered Jersey-based Charitable Trust which embraces Christian principles.

Care and support for Jersey's most needy. Offering a helping hand to the hurting, love and understanding to the poor. A listening ear for the homeless, marginalised and struggling in our community through a ministry of Grace

AJC85 - Jersey Christmas Appeal

The Jersey Christmas Appeal is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Jersey, Jersey Round Table, Lions, Rotary Club de la Manche, Jersey Evening Post, BBC Radio Jersey, Channel 103 and Soroptimists. The Appeal Fund provides the money for Food Hampers, Food Vouchers and Fuel Vouchers and Toys. These are distributed to the Island's elderly, poor and needy for the Christmas holiday period. Funds are also available for necessities should a particularly severe spell of weather occur.

AJC104 - Jersey Friends of Channel Islands Air Search (CIAS)

Channel Islands Air Search is an entirely voluntary organisation which provides a specially equipped aircraft and trained crews for search at sea 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Operations are carried out at the request of Channel Islands, United Kingdom, or French Authorities and generally involve operating with local and French lifeboats and French military helicopters.

AJC485 - Jersey Lifeboat Association

1. to save lives, promote safety and provide relief from disaster, in relation to the coastal waters of the island of Jersey.
2. to advance the education of the public in matters relating to sea, and inland and flood water safety.

AJC521 - Jersey Methodist Circuit

To build confident faith in God, to encourage Christian growth so that all may know God’s love in Christ and to strengthen community life in Jersey by encouraging, exploring, equipping, enabling, engaging and supporting all who work for better community relationships, respect for creation and the relief of poverty and need in Jersey and across the world.

AJC509 - Jersey RAYNET

The Bailiwick of Jersey RAYNET Group is affiliated to the RAYNET-UK national organisation which has over 1800 members who have helped in many situations such as the Lockerby air disaster, the air show crash on to the motorway and with lots of flooding all around the UK plus, they regularly provide communications for many local events. Jersey is part of the South West RAYNET Association, UK Zone 7 but Jersey and Guernsey both have their own local RAYNET groups and Controllers.

RAYNET which stands for Radio Amateurs Emergency Network is an Emergency Communications service provided for the community voluntarily by licenced Radio Amateurs. It is intended as a back-up and/or additional communications facility in an emergency and is not designed to assume responsibility from the statutory Emergency Services.

Radio Amateurs are permitted within their licence to operate in an emergency or properly constituted exercise for the following organisations

(“User Services”):-

Police, Fire and Ambulance Services

St John Ambulance

British Red Cross Society

HM Coastguard


Salvation Army

Emergency Planning Officers

Local Health Authority

Government Department

Public Utility

The Jersey RAYNET Group work closely with the Jersey Emergency Planning Office (EPO) attending the EPO Meetings along with the emergency services and their associated agencies. We provide support for things like air crashes, ferry disasters, local searches and anything where additional communications would be required anywhere in the Island at any time, this could be at the various ports, rescue centers, the hospital or at any other location. We provide communication to Guernsey, France and the UK. We can provide communications locally, nationally and if required worldwide especially when other forms of communication have failed and did for the Nepal disaster.

As emergencies are fortunately rare, we practice our skills by providing radio cover (on behalf of one of the user services) on all sorts of community events such as the Battle of Flowers, road rallies, marathons, fetes, walks and Air Display etc. This is all voluntary and is good training for members of the group. We also take part in training exercises, where voluntary and full-time emergency service groups practice working together in a simulated major incident.

We train local scouts, sea cadets and air cadets in the use of radio communications and cyber including the Radio Amateur Foundation license.

We also run the yearly Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) for the Scouts where they can talk to other scouts all over the world

To be able to provide these facilities we have a considerable amount of different radio equipment which all has to be provided, maintained and sometimes replaced.

This support is achieved by providing a trained team of RAYNET members, together with a clearly identified set of resources at its disposal.

Jersey RAYNET is looking for additional members/volunteers to join our Group. You do not have to have an amateur radio licence to join. We meet a few times a year and will provide training.

Thank you for your support.

Please note all donations are anonymous unless otherwise stated.

Peter Bertram GJ8PVL

Jersey RAYNET Controller

Jersey RAYNET is looking for additional members/volunteers to join our Group. You do not have to have an amateur radio licence to join. We meet a few times a year and will provide training.

AJC423 - Jersey Search and Rescue


To assist the States of Jersey Police in searches for missing, vulnerable people by providing a team of trained Search Technicians, Team Leaders, and Specialist Search Dogs.


AJC24 - Lions Club of Jersey

The Lions Club of Jersey is one of the thousands of Lions Clubs situated all over the world, known collectively as "Lions International". it is the largest service organisation in the world. There are over 30 members in the Lions Club of Jersey of differing ages and professions. The club was sponsored by the Lions Club of Southampton and St Malo and was chartered in 1963.
The Lions prime call is to serve and help the local community and to participate in Lions International projects at the club's discretion. Committee and Dinner Meetings are held regularly in order to discuss and debate the various requests for help and action needed in raising both large and small sums of money from various organisations and individuals.

AJC420 - Living Hope

Living Hope exists to see lives changed, families restored and the community strengthened. The aim of Living Hope is to advise, assist and befriend local prisoners in HMP La Moye and then as they re-settle into the community, to help them live in freedom from their previous lifestyle and become contributing members of society. Living Hope believes that the greatest way to reduce crime and disorder in the Island is to help those who are involved in such behaviour change their lifestyle. Those with whom Living Hope support are often given little chance of developing a new lifestyle by society because of their past behaviour. Living Hope exists to give them that second chance, in a non-judgemental, future-focussed way without minimising the seriousness of their past.

AJC426 - Love Thy Neighbour Jersey

Love Thy Neighbour Jersey is a fully registered Jersey-based charitable organisation which embraces Christian values. Founded upon the principle of Alms giving, the charity is committed to providing long term care and support to the homeless, the poor and those in need in the island. Love Thy Neighbour opened two Almshouses in Jersey in 2014 to provide long term accommodation for individuals who would otherwise be unable to create a permanent home and has been awarded membership of the National Association of Almshouses. The charity has also established a healthcare support service for islanders in need and additionally continues to help many individuals and families in crisis that fall within the remit to provide love, care and support wherever it may be needed.

Love Thy Neighbour Community Hub & Shop:

AJC244 - Meals on Wheels (Jersey) Society

To deliver hot meals to people in their homes.

AJC444 - Normandy Rescue

Provide medical and rescue cover to high risk sporting and public events in Jersey.

AJC411 - Oasis of Peace

To provide a place of sanctuary, retreat, prayer, study, reflection and action, with a particular focus on developing social justice projects for those impacted by the criminal justice system.

AJC401 - Project Linus UK - Jersey, Channel Islands

To collect handmade blankets and quilts made in Jersey and distribute them to children who 'need a hug' whether that be physically or emotionally. All items are distributed locally.

You can use our Co-op dividend number to support us: 379026

AJC483 - Quennevais Evangelical Church

Gatherings at the church/open to all/for Christian worship, for prayer, for communicating the Gospel, for understanding Bible teaching, for giving financial aid (for the advancement of religion, and for the relief of poverty and suffering worldwide), and for mutual support for all, in all aspects of life.

AJC124 - RNLI Jersey Lifeboat Guild

The R.N.L.I. Jersey Lifeboat Guild is a branch of the fund-raising section the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. The R.N.L.I. relies totally on voluntary contributions and volunteer crew and the sole aim of the Guild is to fund boats and equipment for the saving of lives at sea.

AJC514 - Rotary Club de la Manche

To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis for worthy enterprise and further, the application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business and community life.

AJC358 - Royal Air Forces Association, Jersey Branch (The)

To foster comradeship and where necessary, offer support, financial or otherwise, to past and present members of the Royal Air Forces of Great Britain and the Commonwealth

AJC362 - Safer St Helier Community Partnership

The aim of the Safer St Helier Community Partnership (SSHCP) is to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in St Helier by following a few basic principles.

The Safer St Helier Community Partnership and the initiatives it implements is owned and run by members of the community.

SSHCP focuses on issues that are most relevant to the communities in St Helier and seeks to implement solutions that are both practical and sustainable for those communities.

Every initiative is based upon an in-depth study of the particular issue. Whether it is late-night transport or under-age drinking SSHCP will conduct its own research in order to understand the scale of the problem, understand the impact that it has on the local community and inform interventions.

Each initiative will be monitored and evaluated to ensure that it is working as intended and the outcomes are those the SSHCP are seeking to achieve.

SSHCP is very aware of the damage that so called 'Quick-wins' can do to local communities. Our initiatives are all sustainable long-term programmes aimed at making effective long-lasting changes.

AJC176 - Salvation Army Jersey Corps

The Jersey Corps of the Salvation Army are affiliated to the Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory. As a Christian Church and charity, we seek to live out our belief that everyone is beautifully created and wonderfully made, through community work that particularly focuses on practical support and building community. The Citadel (Minden Place) is the centre for Worship, Social Action and community work, including a food bank, a community cafe serving free soup daily, and many other projects and services.

AJC16 - Soroptimist International Jersey


Soroptimist International Jersey is a service club for women who join together to serve their local community and who raise awareness and fundraise on issues that effect women and girls locally, nationally and internationally.


AJC541 - St Andrew's Church

We are situated in St Andrew's park at First Tower ' The Heart of the Community'.

We are a busy church with a communion service on Wednesdays and a Sunday service which includes children and youth groups. The church runs lots of activities and events throughout the year and we have a weekly, term time Toddler group. Our services are free and open to anyone of faith and none. We support local charities; Grace Trust, Jersey Womens Refuge, Dementia Jersey and You Matter, alongside international charities Compassion and Mercy Ships.

Our community centre is buzzing with lots of community groups and dance classes throughout the week.

Our vision is to make our church building more accessible for people of all abilities and we are busy fundraising for new heating, lighting and seating. We hope to start this project in Summer 2023.

AJC511 - St Clement Sports Club

To promote Football and Netball in the community from junior to senior age groups

AJC378 - St George's Church Club

To support, promote and advance the work and ministry of St George's Church in the Parish of St Ouen.

AJC314 - St Helier - Bad Wurzach Partnerschaft Committee

The Parish of St Helier, in the Channel Island of Jersey, was twinned with the German spa town, Bad Wurzach, in Baden-Württemberg, in the summer of 2002.

Through adversity of war in 1942, Hitler ordered the deportation to internment camps in Europe of British-born Channel Islanders and their families.

618 Islanders were detained in Bad Wurzach’s 18th century castle until they were liberated in April 1945. In the ensuing years, friendships forged across barbed wire endured.

Sadly, twelve individuals did not return and are interned in a well maintain cemetery in Bad -Wurzach

The reconciliation between former enemies is not just confined to cultural, working and sporting exchanges between the town and the parish. There have been other partnerships involving the Jersey Arts Centre, the Youtheatre, The National Trust for Jersey and Jersey Heritage.

A travel bursary has been established and students from Jersey and Bad Wurzach have worked in each other’s communities.

We maintain contact with former internees and family whom reside in various parts of the world.

We maintain a close relationship with the Red Cross who provided so much support during the period of internment.

AJC76 - St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance Jersey is the islands first aid charity, training approximately 5% of the island population each year in some form of first aid training. We provide first aid at public events, and train young people in first aid and good citizenship. The charity has community programmes operating in schools and provides a Carers Support Programme to those informal carers looking after a loved one or friend. Our assets and resources can be used by the States of Jersey (SoJ) in a major or critical incident to add resilience to the limited island resources. During the COVID-19 pandemic our fleet of four modern ambulances and support vehicles, our trained volunteers and our HQ building were made available to the SoJ and we performed several roles supporting the islands in the fight against COVID-19. Our volunteers staffed online ambulances, drove nurses to addresses to perform swab testing, provided PPE training to the hospital staff so that their own trainers could be used on other training and we performed antibody testing on key workers enabling them to continue working. In 2021 our volunteers continue to help with the vaccination programme at the centre and driving vaccinators to homes when people cannot travel. St John managed the post vaccination area where members of the public sit to be observed for acute anaphylaxis and provides first aid at the venue. St John also provides operational crews to frontline ambulances. We are a charity and rely on donations and from any surplus we generate from our commercial first aid courses which has been greatly effected by the social distancing requirements of the pandemic.

AJC527 - St John's Parish Church, Jersey

St John’s Church strives to be a beacon of faith and a focal point in the community where people grow together in God’s love.

Our Sunday church services are:-

8am Traditional Said Holy Communion (BCP).

9.30am Contemporary Holy Communion.

At St John's Church we aims to be a focal point in the community, by offering on the 3rd Tuesday of the month a coffee, croissant & chat morning from 10am - 11.30am in church, to which all are welcome. This reaches out to the wider community and is very much enjoyed by those who join us.

We offer on the 1st Sunday of the month our "Little Oaks Sunday Club" where children between the ages of 3 - 11 years old can join us at our 9.30am service, they go off for their own teaching time, with a bible reading, song, games and creative work.

AJC343 - St Mary's Youth & Community Centre

To run the Community Centre for the benefit of the Parishioners of St. Mary and the island community.


To maintain the running of the Centre through self-sufficient means and fundraising events; 
To maintain the property, internally and externally;
To ensure that the Centre's assets, equipment and the surrounding grounds are kept in good order; and
To work with the Parish and wider Community so all parties may benefit from using the Centre's facilities.

AJC474 - St Paul's Centre

The trust deed provides that a) St Paul's Centre shall be a site for the provision of facilities for the religious, moral, social, educational and physical training, recreation and advancement of the people of Jersey and visitors to this island. b) As a source of income by means of the letting of any part or parts of the Centre or otherwise in order to enable or facilitate the provision of the facilities menitoned in a) above.

AJC347 - Street Pastors Jersey

The primary objective of Street Pastors Jersey is to provide trained pastoral teams to help & support people on Saturdays, between 11PM and 3AM on the streets of St. Helier, . Volunteers are from the local church community.

All Street Pastors are in uniform and have received extensive training in caring, listening and helping, particularly in the context of the night-time economy. Street Pastors work in partnership with other agencies as appropriate. They usually work in teams of three or four,

Street Pastors care about their communities and want to support them. The Teams patrols involve visiting pubs, takeaways and nightclubs, and building good relationships with these premises, the security staff, the police, and taxi marshals to name a few. Street Pastors provide a range of assistance, for example, basic first aid; sweeping up broken glass; providing flip flops where shoes have been lost or broken (or too painful), and offering reassurance, kindness and support.

AJC146 - The Lord's Taverners

Lord's Taverners work to positively impact the lives of young people facing the challenges of inequality. We work across the UK and Channel Islands and beyond to provide inclusive and impactful cricket programmes, empowering young people with disabilities and from disadvantaged communities to develop the knowledge, skills, capabilities and confidence required to overcome the challenges of inequality, raise their aspirations and reach their potential.

We also provide funding towards disability minibuses, particularly to special needs schools.

AJC107 - The Mission to Seafarers (Jersey Branch)

To raise funds by organising local events to which individuals and companies are invited. Also to raise the awareness of all to the dangers faced by seafarers daily.

AJC528 - The Parish Church of St Saviour

The Church is open to all, including those of faith and none, and as the Established Church of the Land (including Jersey), care and services are offered free to everyone. For example : (i) religious ceremonies are attended by members of the general public, including members of other faiths, agnostics and atheists; (iii) some services, e.g., Remembrance Day, are ecumenical services ; (iii) anyone may be buried in the cemetery, though preference is given to residents of St Saviour; (iv) sick in the Parish are visited (regardless of faith); and (v) the Church is used by community organisations, e.g. Choirs, Stepping Stones (Mothers & Toddlers), Women's Institute, Scouts, Beavers and Cubs.

AJC101 - The Royal British Legion Jersey

The Royal British Legion can be summed up as being a comradeship of men and women who have served in HM Forces and the ancillary forces who are dedicated to ensuring their efforts are not forgotten, their welfare and that of their dependants is safeguarded and that equitable treatment is obtained for them in respect of the difficulties caused in their lives by their sacrifices and services. The Poppy Appeal enables the Royal British Legion to help those who are not in a position to help themselves, but the Legion is conscious that the need for such support is not diminishing but instead is steadily increasing as the years go by.

AJC147 - Trinity Youth Centre Trust

The Trinity Youth Centre Trust provides and runs the building which houses Trinity Youth Centre. The Trinity Youth Centre is also administered by The Trust and provides the facilities to enable youngsters to lead active social and leisure pursuits as required by the UK Youth Club Movement.


AJC544 - AllMatters Neurodiverse Jersey

Aims and Objectives:

  • strive for increased acceptance, understanding and accommodations for the neurodivergent community to ensure they receive the same rights, social justice and privileges afforded to others.
  • To facilitate online and in-person training events and workshops for parents, carers, professionals, industry, and the public to increase awareness, acceptance, and inclusion.
  • To work closely with other charities and organisations both locally and worldwide to ensure we are always at the forefront of learning practices.

The income and property of the Charity shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Objects.

AJC268 - Autism Jersey

Autism Jersey is the leading organisation in the Channel Islands dedicated to the assistance and support of people on the autism spectrum. The aim of the charity is to enable people with autism to lead a full and inclusive life and enjoy a reasonable degree of independence.

Funding helps to support many of our projects and essential services, including:

Family Support

- Dedicated Family Support Manager.

- Professional Counselling Service.

- Befriending Scheme.

- Holiday Club for primary schoolchildren with autism.

- Social events for children and families.

- Siblings Group.

Adult Services

- Adult Social Club for regular social opportunities and community engagement.

- Volunteering opportunities at the Autism Jersey Boutique.

Training, Information and Resources

- Autism-specific training for families, friends, professionals and employers.

- Lending Library of autism-related resources.

- Signposting and referrals to other services and professionals.


Telephone: 871888


AJC410 - BeachAbility

BeachAbility provides manual, ballooned wheel chairs available for use on the beach for anyone that needs help with their mobility.
Chair users need to be accompanied by an adult Helper who will offer assistance with transfers and will push the chair.
Loan is on a bookings basis by telephone to BeachAbility on 07797 935088
BeachAbility is an eco-friendly and fun way to enjoy Jersey's beautiful beaches.

AJC518 - Beresford Street Kitchen

Beresford Street Kitchen (BSK) provides training, education and employment to 65 people with learning disabilities and/or autism, giving them the chance to develop workplace skills and engage with the community in an inclusive, safe and supportive environment.This taks pleace in our social enterprises, Beresford Street Kitchen, BSK Catering, BSK Print Works and La Hougue Bie Tea Rooms.

We provide over 35,500 hours of workplace training and 5,000 hours of adult education classes in our Learning For Life programme. This has resulted in a staggering 21% rise in life satisfaction for BSK crew members.

In September 2021, we launched The BSK Academy where the crew are able to further develop their employability, personal, social and general life skills through our learning for life programme. We believe that people with learning disabilities and/or autism have the right to access learning and development at any age.


AJC301 - DriveAbility

To assist people who are unable to access the usual procedures to learn to drive or return to driving;

To recruit and train assessors and instructors;
To provide appropriate vehicles for training and assessment;
To enable people with physical impairment to learn to drive;
To enable new drivers with learning difficulties to learn to drive;
To enable people due to illness or injury having had to stop driving to return to
To assess new and existing drivers’ ability to drive due to illness or injury, providing
reports for the licencing authority and GP’s;
To assist in the facilitation of adapted vehicles to best fit the client’s needs.

AJC5 - Enable Jersey

Enable Jersey, is a pan-disability charity supporting anybody affected by disability in, whether as someone with a disability themselves, a family member, friend or carer.

The team work to remove the barriers that limit disabled islanders and inspire changes that create a more inclusive community – one where diversity is celebrated and everyone can contribute their unique skills and gifts.

Get in touch for further information on:

• Advice & guidance
• Help to navigate and access local services
• Information about care planning and accessing financial support
• Future Planning.
• Advocacy & Mediation
• Well being Support
• Carer Support & User Voice Groups

AJC109 - EYECAN - Jersey Blind Society since 1886

EYECAN is Jersey’s only charity focused solely on supporting Islanders with sight impairment. We work closely with all age groups, from infants through to the elderly, enabling people and their families to benefit from social events, activities and tailored support.

It is a partnership approach that ensure those affected by sight impairment are empowered to attain or retain independent living and achieve inclusion in the workplace and society.

Services we offer include advice and support, mobility, rehabilitation, IT training, advocacy, daily living advice, children’s events, activities, social club, support group and more.

AJC21 - Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

To raise funds for the training of Guide Dogs for the Blind.

AJC561 - Happy Heroes - children with additional needs

Our aim is to be a safe, enclosed environment for children with additional needs to play, socialise with their peers and have a place where they can be completely themselves with no judgement.

We provide a space for parents/carers to relax knowing their children are safe and engage with other families who are in similar circumstances. We provide emotional support to parents and carers

AJC206 - Headway (Jersey) Ltd

To promote within the Island of Jersey an understanding of all aspects of brain injury and to provide information support and services to people with brain injury their families and carers.

AJC481 - Healing Waves

Healing Waves has been created to enable individuals living with a variety of conditions and/or disabilities, as well as those who are struggling with mental health, to access the ocean in a supervised and safe manner.

This being so they can participate in water sport activities they can experience the therapeutic benefits that the ocean holds for us all whilst having a meaningful and valuable experience.

Ocean Therapy is offered through guided surf, paddle and flowrider sessions. These water sports are used as a vessel, assisting our athletes to build upon areas such as self-confidence, socialisation and communication.

AJC321 - Holidays for Heroes Jersey

To provide free holidays in Jersey for past or present members of H.M.Armed Forces injured in mind or body during or as a result of their service.
Since our launch in August 2008, more than 4,000 holidays have been provided with the help of "generous Jersey" and i supporters in the U.K.

AJC283 - Inclusion Project (The)

Sessional Staff:
The project employs 5 sessional staff
There are 15 volunteers
Information about the Youth Inclusion Project
The Youth Inclusion Project is an Island wide project that provides opportunities for young people with special needs to access generic or specialist Youth Service Provision. It currently offers opportunities for young people who may either be on the Autistic Spectrum, have a learning difficulty, a physical difficulty or a sensory impairment.
Opening nights and hours:
The project runs 4 youth clubs per week.
How many young people are involved
There are about 80 young people aged 11-25 with a special need accessing the Youth Service through the Youth Inclusion Project
Other projects:

'Included' A 6 month personal development programme for young people with special needs aged 17 to 25

'Youth Sign' A basic Sign language course for young people (funded by The Jersey Society for Deaf Children and Young Adults) and taught by a Deaf young adult.

Contact details for people interested in finding out more about the Youth Project:
For more information please contact Leana d'Orleans on 01534 729407 or at

The Youth Inclusion Project is a Jersey charity no.382

AJC60 - Jersey Cheshire Home

Our mission is to Enhance Lives.
Our aim is to provide a home from home for people who, because of their disability, are unable to live independently. The Home at Rope Walk, Green St, is purpose built and fully fitted and accommodates 30 people.

We also have a respite suite, aquatic therapy and physiotherapy unit which can be used by members of the public as well as residents. Day care also available.

AJC79 - Jersey Dips Swim Therapy

The Club, recognising the immense value of swimming for physical and psychological rehabilitation for people suffering from mobility issues, or recovering from injury and/or operations, shall encourage, promote and develop swimming amongst people of all ages and abilities.

Members can use Mont a L’abbe therapy pool on a Monday & Wednesday evenings open from 16:30 to 18:00 (with last entry into pool at 17.30). Membership is £25 per annum and each swim is £3.

AJC470 - Jersey Disability Partnership (JDP)


             To promote partnership working within the Voluntary and Community Sector and, in particular, within the Disability Partnership.

             To promote partnership working between the Disability Partnership and States Departments.

             To seek to influence States policies and awareness of disabilities, by raising issues with the relevant States Departments, through nominated points of contact within those Departments and within the Disability Partnership.

             To raise public awareness of disability issues and by doing so, influence government, increasing volunteering, and promote fundraising.

AJC157 - Jersey Employment Trust (The)

JET changes lives by helping people with a disability or long-term health condition find and maintain employment. Founded in 2002, the Jersey Employment Trust works closely with employees and employers, offering training, work placements and internships, and helping with CVs and interview techniques. We also have a Transition service, which helps young people from the age of 14 prepare for the world of work.

We run a social enterprise, Acorn Enterprises, which provides work and training opportunities at our centre in Trinity. Acorn comprises Acorn Reuse, the Nursery, the Woodshack and Acorn Training & Development -

See our YouTube Channel:

AJC13 - Jersey Mencap

Jersey Mencap runs a number of projects for people with a learning disability in Jersey. Having celebrated 60 years in 2020, the charity also strives for improved services, equality and inclusion.

Jersey Mencap's projects include Taking Part Making Art offering 5 weekly arts and craft sessions, horticultural sessions, a buzzing social club and fitness sessions for adults with a learning disability.

With 130 members, we welcome 50-60 of our members every week to our activities.


AJC132 - Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled (JSAD)

The JSAD was formed in 1985 with the clear aim to encourage and support local disabled people wishing to take part in any kind of sporting activity. The remit of the Association remains very wide. There are no restrictions of disability or age, provided the activity chosen by an individual is safe.

AJC113 - Les Amis Inc

LES AMIS is a Jersey based Charity founded in 1975. Our main objective is to offer care and support in residential settings to adults with learning difficulties.

Our philosophy is to offer homely environments where people feel free to express themselves and make real choices that effect their lives. This is acheived through empowering residents by helping them to gain the necessary skills to participate and contribute to their local community as equal and valued members.

AJC9 - Maison des Landes Trust

NB The hotel is closed for renovation until July 2023. Bookings for 2023 are being accepted. Tel. 01534 481683


To provide an unmatched holiday experience for people with a disability, their families, friends and carers.

Please see our website for tariffs and full details of the facilities available in the newly refurbished hotel::

AJC45 - Riding for the Disabled Jersey Group Inc

Riding for the Disabled Association Jersey has been established in the Island for over 40 years and provides opportunities for children and adults with a range of physical and/or learning difficulties to take part in an active sport and learn to ride. This not only improves their confidence, wellbeing and social skills, but delivers a real and lasting therapy that strengthens core muscle groups improving mobility and coordination.

RDA Jersey operates from Le Claire Stables in St John and currently runs eleven rides every week for around 60 people, with the assistance of over 50 volunteers.

AJC269 - Shopmobility, St Helier

To assist those who find it difficult to walk to get around Town. We supply, for a small charge, powered scooters, chairs, manual chairs and walkers from the lower ground floor of Sand Street car park. Daily use is from 10 to 4.30 Monday to Saturday, excluding bank and public holidays. Special arrangements are made for Christmas Shopping in December and for Liberation Day and the Battle of Flowers.

Dedicated parking is available for all users of the scheme at no extra cost and with no time limit whilst using the equipment. (This car park has a 3 hour limit for all other users including blue badge holders.)

Shopmobility is also available at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (Jersey Zoo) where the number for booking a scooter is 860071 or 860045. The cost is £10 for any period of the day during opening hours.

We will deliver to hotels which have been approved by us as suitable for use and with safe, dry storage.

AJC413 - Wetwheels Jersey Limited

To promote disabled powerboating and to encourage and promote participation from all areas of the community regardless of gender, age, ability or any other such factor.  To provide opportunities for the young, disabled and disadvantaged to enjoy powerboat excursions in Channel Island waters. To promote the education of powerboat handling skills and local history, geography and environmental matters to young, disabled and disadvantaged members of the community.


AJC303 - Beaulieu Convent School Trust

Beaulieu Convent School first opened its doors on 15th January 1951 with 56 students aged 5-11. The School now cares for over 800 girls aged 3-19. Over the past years Beaulieu has continued to thrive and the special relationship we share with present and past students and parents is very dear to us as a family and a Catholic school.

Beaulieu is a leading independent school committed to offering a well-rounded, enriching and diverse Catholic education for our students on one single site, with collaborative options post-16. Academically inclusive, Beaulieu provides a friendly, supportive and caring community, while at the same time achieving outstanding examination results. Beaulieu is proud of its history, its achievements and, most importantly, its students.

Beaulieu is committed to nurturing talents, aspirations and dreams and our students leave us as confident, articulate and compassionate individuals with a hunger for learning and a passion for life.

AJC513 - FCJ Primary School

Our Vision: Inspired by the Gospel and true to Marie Madeleine's founding ideal, our vision is that FCJ is a community of personal and academic excellence. Strong in companionship, the uniqueness of every person in this faith community is recognised, nourished and celebrated. Our hope and expectation is that, through God's grace working in us all, each young person grows into their best self, with zest for life and the generosity and confidence to use their talents and gifts for the service of others. Our Aims: At FCJ School we recognise the uniqueness of each individual and we learn to respect this as we prepare our children for life in the wider world. We are concerned with the development of the whole personality of each individual. We do not forget that we are part of a process; we want our children to go on to the next stage of their education with a built-in desire for further learning experiences and opportunities. It is out aim: • To place God at the centre of all that we do. • To make visible the values of God's kingdom through the teachings of Christ so that FCJ is a place of prayer, truth, holiness, justice, love, forgiveness and peace. • To provide a secure and safe environment where children feel valued and happy. • To involve parents in all aspects of their child's education by promoting positive home-school partnerships. • To provide excellent standards of teaching and learning within the framework of the Jersey Curriculum and to help our students acquire the skills of independent learning. • To provide learning experiences that will develop the children intellectually, socially, morally, aesthetically, physically and spiritually. • To instil in our students a sense of decency, commitment, self-reliance, responsibility, respect for others and healthy self-esteem. • To create an atmosphere that is relaxed but purposeful and facilitate the achievement of these aims by forming the best possible relationships between teachers, children, parents and others involved. • To help the students develop an understanding of their cultural heritage. • To provide quality, professional development opportunities for staff and governors.


AJC339 - Friends of Mont a l'Abbe School

To raise extra fundng for children who face special needs that attend the school, to provide equipment as needed and requested by the school. Sponsor the school art room, organise and fund social event for parents and children to enjoy.

AJC414 - Grouville School Parent Staff Association

To support the school in providing the best opportunities for all children.

AJC519 - Highlands College Foundation

The objects and powers of the Association shall be:

1.The promotion, development and growth of alumni, including the creation and maintenance of a database and the organisation and promotion of events.

2.The provision, preservation, maintenance and improvement of any land, building or buildings owned by, or situated on land owned by the educational establishment known as Highlands College or any third party and which are used in connection with the Services provided by The Highlands College Foundation.

3.The provision of or the assistance in the provision of courses and facilities (including sporting and recreational facilities) for the education and/or development and/or benefit of staff and students of Highlands College and/or The Highlands College Foundation.

4.The provision of or the assistance in the provision of courses and facilities (including sporting and recreational facilities) for the education and/or development and/or benefit of English speakers of other languages and adult community education.

5.To award such bursaries and scholarships to students to assist in the furtherance of education and such other educational or other charitable purposes as the Association think fit.6.To make contributions as the Association thinks fit or otherwise assist (whether out of capital or income) towards the objects or expenses of any charitable trust, institution or other body established by or for the benefit of Highlands College and The Highlands College Foundationor either of them orforthe benefit of studentsattending either of them from time to time.

AJC534 - Jersey International Centre of Advanced Studies (JICAS)

The purpose of the JICAS Trust (Jersey International Centre of Advanced Studies (JICAS) is:

(a) the advancement of education, primarily tertiary education and the promotion of research focusing on islands and island communities; and

(b) the advancement of citizenship or community development.

Whereas JICAS is a fee-paying institution, it seeks whereas possible to minimise the fees paid by students whilst still providing a first-class educational experience in order to fulfil its purpose. JICAS is dedicated to widening the access to the courses offered to those who would otherwise be unable to afford the fees.

JICAS currently provides post graduate degree course and study opportunities. JICAS currently offers one 100% bursary for fees and one 50% reduction in fees for a student. It is the aim of JICAS to offer a second annual 50% reduction in fees bursary for a student within the next three years. In addition to the 100% and 50% bursaries detailed above we aim to be able to offer an additional 6 partial-fee bursaries linked to research group activities in the next 3 years. Our ambition is to continuously increase the bursary provision over the next three (3) years to provide greater access to postgraduate degree courses and study opportunities. These bursaries are advertised locally and globally and via a number of different platforms.

Through research projects and fieldwork undertaken in Jersey (and overseas), JICAS is furthering the advancement of education about islands and through the recommendations from these educational research projects are helping to protect and improve island communities, both locally and internationally.

JICAS also provides a number of free outreach seminars and lectures annually all delivered by leading experts in their subject matter. These are available to all and many are delivered remotely. JICAS will continue to explore other ways in which it can provide public benefit and improve its accessibility to educational opportunities for the wider island community and engage with our community to benefit the wider community.

AJC338 - La Moye School PTA

To further the educatIon of the pupils at the school by: a) fostering close relationships between parents and staff. b) engaging in activities which support the school. c) providing facilities & equipment for the school.

AJC322 - Le Rocquier School PTA

To advance the education of students in the school, including the development of relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school. Engaging in supportive activities and providing facilities or items for the school.

AJC536 - Mont Nicolle School PTA


To support the school in providing the best opportunities for all children and assisting in the provision of items to enhance the children's learning.


AJC472 - St John's School PTA

To foster cooperation between staff and the community associated with the school; to support the educational policies set by the school; to promote activities which benefit the welfare of children attending the school.

AJC299 - St Luke's School PTA

Supporting the children and the families of the children that attend S Luke's School. Fostering and supporting the links between parents, the community and the school and to support projects and initiatives to purchase equipment that will benefit the pupil's social and academic growth that is not met by the responsibilities of the statutory authorities.

AJC550 - The Friends of Haute Vallee

Haute Vallee School currently has 580 pupils on roll and is the only non-fee paying secondary school based in St Helier. Haute Vallee School has a significant proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language (46%), have special educational needs (43%), and receive funding from Jersey Premium (33.6%).

Our charitable purpose of advancing citizenship or community development links to our whole school ethos of providing a learning environment in which young people of all abilities and nationalities are given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

With this in mind, The Friends of Haute Vallee aims to improve and enhance the environment in which our young people spend their school lives, providing aspirational and motivational activities to help engage and inspire them during their time in education. Ultimately our charity aims to support all pupils in achieving to the highest levels possible both academically and on a social /emotional level, ready for their lives ahead.

AJC434 - Victoria College Foundation

Victoria College is a selective, boys' fee-paying school that was founded in 1852. It provides an educational environment of the highest order offering boys the chance to thrive academically and to make the most of all the opportunities on offer to them. Students are encouraged to set personal challenges, find solutions and help to make a difference as they venture out in to the world as well-rounded and balanced individuals.

The Foundation was set up in 2002 as part of the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the College in order to support ever changing needs of school life and to help sustain the long-held tradition of providing quality education for all those involved with the College. The Foundation plays an important role in communicating with students, parents and staff past and present, and by creating a range of opportunities from which alumni and the wider community can benefit.


AJC419 - Words & Numbers Matter

To enhance the standards of numeracy and literacy in residents of the Channel Islands.  To provide training courses in numeracy and literacy for residents in the Channel Islands, post compulsory education.


AJC105 - Abbeyfield Jersey Society

It is the aim of Abbeyfield to provide care on an Independent and Residential level, this will allow our current residents to remain longer in their familiar surroundings without the undue worry of having to find another home on a Residential level.

We also aim to provide for all our residents a true home from home experience, offering a way of life that allows all residents to enjoy their time at Abbeyfield to the greatest extent possible.

Abbeyfield consists of Abbeyfield House which is an independent and residential care home with ten en-suite rooms and an adjoining property called Lynton House which has six self-contained studio apartments, one 1 bedroom apartment and two cottages all offering independent living.

Abbeyfield offers a supportive and caring environment with a small team of dedicated staff on duty 24 hours a day. Our staff always ensure the needs of our residents are put first. All meals are freshly prepared on the premises by our two talented chefs.

The residents' rooms and communal areas are beautifully maintained and decorated together with the gardens and patio area. The whole atmosphere at Abbeyfield is tranquil and secure.

Entertainment and activities are arranged for residents throughout the year with our team of volunteers taking residents out for shopping trips, coffee, walks,

AJC158 - Age Concern Jersey

Centre for friendship and support. Lunches served daily at 12pm (excluding weekends and Bank Holidays) at Plaisant Place, Val Plaisant. In House activities on Monday to Fridays.

AJC96 - Glanville Residential Home

Glanville is a small and caring charity run Home, providing 24-hour care for elderly ladies who are no longer able to live on their own. It is a registered charity founded in 1860 and provides living accommodation for 25 residents, all of whom have their own room. It is funded in part from residents contributions but otherwise from voluntary contributions and fund-raising events. Please have a look at our website in order to learn more about the Home.

AJC137 - Methodist Homes for the Aged (Jersey) Limited

The Methodist Homes for the Aged is a non-profit organisation providing homely and caring accommodation for elderly folk of all denominations and beliefs. Maison la Corderie, St. Helier (29 residents) was opened in 1979 and Stuart Court, St. Lawrence (26 residents) in 1987. Both homes have qualified Home Managers and care staff providing 24 hour staffing. Residents each have their own room and are well cared for in pleasant surroundings. Short stay facilities are also available.


AJC69 - Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust is an international charity working to save species from extinction. Headquartered at Jersey Zoo in the Channel Islands, Durrell’s vision is for a wilder, healthier more colourful world.

Established by author and conservationist, Gerald Durrell, in 1959, Durrell’s overall aim is for more diverse, beautiful and resilient natural landscapes in which species can thrive and people can enjoy a deeper connection with nature.

Through Durrell’s work in the wild and at the zoo, the charity reconnects people with nature and helps to drive the societal change needed to save and restore the natural world.

AJC452 - Jersey Biodiversity Centre

The Jersey Biodiversity Centre collects, manages and disseminates an extensive database of local wildlife species records, both terrestrial and marine, to enable informed decision making and safeguard Jersey’s natural environment.

The Centre strives to strengthen our connection with nature, improve understanding and knowledge of local wildlife through talks, courses and workshops and help islanders contribute to the protection of our natural world through participation in biological recording.

AJC392 - Jersey Marine Conservation

To promote the need for Conservation strategies, to preserve the Islands' importance as a unique and key Marine Environment. On a voluntary basis, the groups' survey teams including divers, carry out the monitoring of underwater species and habitats fulfilling the requirements needed to support measures to safeguard the long-term future of the island's marine and human community. Approved methods for recording Biotopes are applied, ensuring all evidence withstands detailed political scrutiny. Jersey Marine Conservation, although a volunteer group, collects and processes data to a high professional level, supplying records, including images and video to National and Channel Islands Biodiversity databases. Without our surveys, there would be negligible sub-tidal information and therefore little to challenge environmentally sensitive proposals. The group's work has been instrumental in the setting up of protection zones, sustainable fishing practices and halting the wholesale destruction of seabed communities. The UK Marine Conservation Society supports and oversees the groups data collection and JMC operates closely with the Société Jersiaise, Jersey Independent Centre of Advanced Studies, Jersey Biodiversity Centre.

Educating the community is a key aim and the group continues to develop learning programs for schools and community groups based on our findings. Through our Touch Tank Workshops and media resources, we are helping the Islands population learn proactively about how to safeguard species in the Channel Island waters. We believe Education rather than legislation is the way forward, in preserving the Islands future as a healthy place to live.

We support groups in the clean-up of our island's remote marine sites.

Our monitoring program seeks to support students of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds in the acquisition of knowledge and methods to enable them to identify and record indicators of migration, marine population changes and the impact of the diverse environmental effects.

AJC512 - Jersey National Park Limited

The vision of the Jersey National Park is a collective of beautiful places, varied landscapes and spaces, where the natural environment, cultural history and sustainable practices within it are valued, understood, respected and celebrated harmoniously.

The Park will enhance the quality of life for all, draw inward investment and support prosperity and long term sustainability.

The major Purposes of the Charity are:-

The conservation and enhancement of the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Jersey National Park.

To promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the Jersey National Park by the public.


AJC135 - Jersey Trees for Life

Jersey Trees for Life is the island’s only charity dedicated to trees. Its mission is to plant, protect and nurture trees while educating and inspiring its community about their environmental and social importance

JTFL oversees a series of ongoing environmental projects including an annual hedgerow campaign that has seen over 50km of new wildlife corridors created. It is also responsible for the maintenance of Val de la Mare Arboretum, which comprises ten diverse global tree collections, as well as public woodlands in St Helier and St Brelade.

The charity offers volunteering sessions for individuals, organisations, schools and other non-profits, providing an opportunity for the people of Jersey to learn more about their environment while making a positive difference.

AJC442 - Littlefeet Environmental

Marine pollution and its threats to our oceanic and coastal ecosystems is a widespread epidemic across the globe. Through beach cleaning, collaborative community involvement and innovative thinking, Littlefeet Environmental aims to provide a platform that encourages individuals and organisations to take small steps towards building a more sustainable future by thinking globally and acting locally.  

AJC545 - Many Happy Returns Jersey

Provide a lending library of reusable party supplies to minimize waste and benefit the local community. To accept donations of preloved supplies and offer them out on loan so new items do not need to be purchased for a one-time event. In addition to reducing the environmental impact of celebrations, it also reduces the cost of celebrations for those on a low income. Borrowers are encouraged to make a small donation.

We provide a service that contributes to a sharing economy and redistribution of used second-hand products that enables people to use a product rather than owning it.

Proceeds directly support registered charities such as Acorn, Durrell, Brightly, Clic Sargent Jersey and Jersey Trees for Life.

You can donate directly to Many Happy Returns here 


AJC542 - Ocean Culture Life

The charity aims to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural marine environment by seeking to widen and deepen public understanding of the issues and challenges facing the oceans. This is in the particular context of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14, which is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Particular activities include the promotion and celebration in Jersey of the annual World Oceans Day [June 8], running workshops for children and young people, including beachside, to raise awareness of Goal 14, and providing grants to ‘story tellers’ in Jersey who are able to promote the Goal’s message about sustainable use of the seas in a way that potentially resonates with audiences of all ages but especially the young. The Charity works to encourage people to enjoy the benefits of Jersey’s coastline environment. It seeks to work closely with related ‘marine’ charities and ensure that it maintains good networks with like-minded entities in other lands.

AJC537 - Paisaia European Landscape Foundation

Paisaia European Landscape Foundation aims to preserve and restore traditional cultural landscapes in Europe, by supporting and maintaining the wealth of traditional land-use management techniques. Our work maintains the ecological functions and the integrity of these traditional landscapes and contributes to their protection and to the public recognition of their cultural value.

These cultural landscapes are part of Europe’s natural and cultural heritage, they are perfect examples of how we can sustainably use our land whilst maintaining healthy ecosystems, a high biodiversity and a carbon neutral impact. Examples include traditional olive groves in Italy, ancient woodlands and mountain pastures in Spain or cider apple orchards here in Jersey.

AJC539 - The McGugan Family Trust

The formation of the McGugan Family Trust is intended to achieve this, and the Trust objects are:

• To retain and maintain the land in its natural state

• To encourage the conservation and study of the flora and fauna of the meadow

• To provide access to the land for educational and recreational purposes to young people (and at the discretion of the Trustees, who in the Trustees’ opinion have need of such facilities) including to the staff and pupils of Grouville Primary School and other groups and associations at the discretion of the Trustees.

Le Pre Arthur is an example of unimproved wet meadow with the potential diverse flora of common wet meadow species. The natural state of the meadow is currently compromised by years of neglect, absence of any management plan and the infra structure to deliver such a plan. The Trustees have now begun to address this by commissioning a rolling, three-year conservation management plan, including invasive species management, seasonal mowing and coppicing. This is vital to the continued improvement of the habitat and the gradual return of native wildlife and intended to meet the Trust object to retain and maintain the land in its natural state.

Improvement of the habitat will provide children and other community and youth groups with the opportunity to celebrate wild nature and provide hands-on opportunities for recreation and citizen science projects. This in turn, will assist both Grouville School and other youth and community groups on the journey to “Green Flag” as part of the States’ Eco-Schools Award programme. To encourage the conservation and study of the flora and fauna of the meadow, a number of activities and interventions are already in place and others are in the planning stages including submitting data to the Jersey Biodiversity Centre. As we build a database of wildlife records, we hope to show an increase in biomass and therefore make our contribution to nature conservation. The Trustees see this as a legacy project and an investment in a vision for conservation for the future and our young people. These efforts are intended to meet the Trust object to encourage the conservation and study of the flora and fauna of the meadow.

The McGugan Family members and Trustees are keen for the meadow to benefit the wider community for both recreation and education. Not all of our children and young people have access to a garden or accessible green space. As part of the plan to achieve community benefit, a number of groups have been approached and confirmed that they would wish to enjoy access to the meadow, support conservation measures and contribute data to the Jersey Biodiversity Centre. These include other primary schools with limited green space, Scout and Guide groups and Jersey MENCAP.

Accessibility is an important part of the future vision for the meadow. There is potential to create a circular route around the meadow and this has been designed to accommodate those with limited mobility and wheelchair users. A meadow survey has been undertaken and planning approval given, to create such a path together with several other educational and leisure facilities, specifically designed with accessibility in mind, including a ‘den’, a ‘fire circle’ and a bird hide. These initiatives are intended to meet the Trust objective of providing access for educational and recreational purposes to the staff and pupils of Grouville Primary School and other groups and associations.


AJC209 - Jersey Homeless Outreach Group

To work with anyone who is rough sleeping, in order to link them with mainstream services, and provide advice, care and support to those living on the street.

This is currently achieved mainly through the work of the Outreach co-ordinator, in conjunction with a small group of volunteers.

AJC380 - Sanctuary Trust

Sanctuary Trust was formed in 2011 (under its original name The Caring Hands Charitable Trust) to provide services for homeless men in Jersey. The Trust is a charity offering shelter, support and a way forward for homeless men to enable them to re-integrate back into Society. At present we offer accommodation to a total of 24 men on two sites namely Sanctuary House in the High Street, St Aubin and Sanctuary Lodge at L'Hermitage Gardens, Beaumont. We also provide an outreach service for those of our residents who have moved on to independent living.

Mission Statement

To provide sanctuary, support and hope to homeless men in crisis.


To eradicate homelessness in Jersey.


We are caring and supportive.  We treat everyone with respect and kindness.

We are non-judgmental .  We do not blame someone for the situation they find themselves in but encourage a desire for self-help to change their circumstances.

We are committed.  When we promise something we will not break that promise.  We also want our men to behave in the same manner.

We are encouraging.  We are positive and will provide support to help men find their own solutions to their problems and regain their confidence and self-esteem.  We help men help themselves.

We are challenging.  We will challenge behaviours and attitudes and positively motivate individuals who want to help themselves.

We are inclusive  We encourage community and mutual support.

Aims and Objectives

To give help, support and guidance to men in crisis
To provide accommodation to men in need
To work with external agencies to provide appropriate levels of specialist support  to our men
To assist in obtaining voluntary or paid employment for our men
To raise the profile of Sanctuary Trust for the benefit of the charity, our men and the community
To assist in finding independent accommodation for our men
To encourage our men and staff to work in community projects to encourage and increase understanding and support
To provide outreach services for men in the community
To help our men develop life-skills
To help our men solve their own problems, achieve their goals and move back into Society
To work with Social Security to provide work programmes and opportunities leading to open employment opportunities
To work with the Prison Service and Probation to provide accommodation and work programmes to former prisoners and those on remand and bail.
To encourage respect and self-esteem
To promote equality and diversity
To provide a compassionate, caring sanctuary to men in need

AJC72 - Shelter Trust

The Shelter Trust is the largest provider of services for homeless people in Jersey. The Trust is a Jersey registered charity, regulated by the Jersey Care Commission, offering accommodation, support and a way forward for Jersey’s homeless community.

The services provided by the Charity include, Outreach; Emergency Accommodation; 16-25; Resettlement; Women’s Only Provision and the Drunk and Incapable Unit. There are currently 8 Trust sites where we can accommodate residents across St. Helier and St. Saviour.

The Outreach Service offers food, hot drinks and support for ‘rough sleepers’; also making contact with individuals struggling in the community and seeking support. The Outreach Service operates through a partnership with the Jersey Homeless Outreach Group (JHOG).

At the other end of the spectrum of homelessness, we provide an aftercare and resettlement service for service users recently housed outside of Trust premises.

The Drunk & Incapable Unit (D&I Unit), based at our Emergency Accommodation Shelter, is an alternative to police custody. The D&I Unit operates in partnership with the Jersey Police Service.


AJC507 - Aureole Music

Aureole Music is a Jersey Registered Charity set up in order to benefit the well-being of members of the population, particularly the elderly and infirm, who find themselves isolated or vulnerable. Aureole aims to bring such people together through virtual and face-to-face musical activity, providing worthwhile, positive and stimulating musical experiences both for participants and for audiences, be that within health care environments or generally in public. In so doing, Aureole aims to occasionally raise money to distribute to charitable organisations in Jersey who share similar ideas to Aureole's.

AJC502 - Institute of Law, Jersey

To advance learning and knowledge by teaching and research

To provide a focus for the academic study and development of Jersey and Guernsey law and related studies and to nurture the legal heritage of the Channel Islands

To contribute to the Jersey Legal Information Board's strategy of making the law and legal processes more accessible to the public and to develop an integrated legal system.

To facilitate better, cheaper and simpler delivery of legal services to the citizens

To provide a structured programme of legal education for students wishing to qualify as advocates or solicitors in Jersey and Guernsey

To enable students to obtain the advantages of third level education in Jersey and Guernsey through the provision of an undergraduate and higher degree courses in law and business studies and graduate conversion courses in law.

To use its best endeavours to provide, maintain and enhance the quality of legal education, training and research (both professional and academic) in co-operation with all the law firms of Jersey and Guernsey.

To provide library facilities for the legal profession, researchers and others.

To ensure that legal and business education and training is available and open to all, irrespective  disability, race, ethnic region, creed, colour, social status and sexual orientation.

AJC285 - Jersey FairTrade Island Group

Our mission is to increase knowledge and use of Fairtrade products

AJC323 - Jersey Island Federation of Women's Institutes

The main purposes of the Women's Institute organisation are to enable women who are interested in issues associated with rural life, including arts, crafts and sciences to improve and develop conditions of rural life, to advance their education in citizenship, in public questions both national and international, in music, drama and other cultural subjects and in all branches of agriculture, handicrafts, home economics, health and social welfare. It seeks to give to all women the opportunity of working together through the Women's Institute organisation, and of putting into practice those ideals for which it stands.

AJC559 - Policy Centre Jersey

To increase civic engagement in policy and consultation. To improve research and presented information to aid in effective policy making. To tackle the islands key issues through knowledge and consultation. To remain neutral and apolitical

AJC467 - Robert Hall Foundation (The)

A Jersey Charitable Trust established by Colonel Henry Robert Hall OBE and his wife Margaret Lucy Hall in February 1983 as a vehicle for charitable giving. Following the death of Colonel Hall in 2012 the co-trustees will continue to support charitable causes both locally in Jersey, the Isle of Man, England, Wales and Scotland and overseas.

AJC484 - Samaj (Jersey) Limited

Community development by the advancement of cultural, religion, education and the welfare of the Indian diaspora living and working on the Island

AJC326 - Sundeep Watts Memorial Fund (The)

The object of the charity shall be the motivation and welfare of children through provision of assistance in any areas of edcuation, sport, health and welfare.

Overseas projects

AJC239 - Brooke Hospital for Animals Jersey Supporters Group

History of the Brooke Hospital for Animals (“The Brooke”)

In 1930, our founder, Mrs Dorothy Brooke, travelled to Egypt's capital, Cairo, where she encountered thousands of ex-cavalry horses being used as beasts of burden on its streets. Many of them had seen service in the First World War. After the conflict ended in 1918 they had been sold by the British Army into a life of hard labour. Mrs Brooke was tormented by the memory of the pitiful creatures she saw. On her return to England she wrote a letter to the Morning Post, which later became the Daily Telegraph, exposing their plight and appealing for funds to help save them. The public was so moved they responded with the equivalent today of £20,000 to help end their suffering. Within three years, Mrs Brooke had set up a committee to help fund the purchase of 5,000 of these tragic animals. Most were old and in the final stages of collapse and had to be humanely destroyed but thanks to this remarkable woman they all ended their lives peacefully with love and dignity.

What The Brooke does

The Brooke’s methods are simple, inexpensive and can be learned and implemented by local people. These include building water troughs and shade shelters, educating owners in the welfare of their animals and supplying medical items to treat minor injuries. We don't prosecute, campaign or get involved in politics. Animals in work can enjoy companionship and social interaction with people and their own species. We believe that working animals should be rewarded with consideration, care and relief of suffering. Teaching kindness to animals is at the heart of what we do.

The Brooke’s vision is a world in which working horses, donkeys and mules are free from suffering.To make this vision a reality, the Brooke delivers practical programmes and provides support, advice and infrastructure to its global network of employees, partners and supporters.

Brooke staff and staff employed by Brooke-funded affiliates and partners provide veterinary and animal health services in order to relieve the suffering of working horses, donkeys and mules.

Thousands of training sessions take place every year so that community animal health workers can treat working horses, donkeys and mules locally.

We also undertake valuable, practical research to support our evidence-based approach and help communities to better help their own horses, donkeys and mules, by building skills.

On a global scale, we also seek to influence governments and other institutions to raise the profile of working equine animals on the policy and development agendas.

In addition we lead from the front, in the field of animal welfare, ensuring our rigorous standards and guidelines are applied in all the areas where we work.

The Jersey Supporters Group (“JSG”)

The objectives of the JSG are
(a) To raise awareness of the work of The Brooke Hospital for Animals
(“The Brooke”), a charity registered with the Charity Commission for
England and Wales.

(b) To support The Brooke by raising funds to help pay for the work that
it does in improving equine animal welfare in Africa, Asia, Latin
America and the Middle East.

The aim of the JSG is to raise £20,000 per year. It does this by organising fund-raising events that raise awareness of The Brooke's work. About half of funds raised come from unsolicited donations, demonstrating the value of keeping The Brooke' valuable work in the public eye. The Brooke ring-fences funds raised in Jersey and they are applied exclusively to the welfare of donkeys toiling in the coal-mines of north Pakistan.

Events for 2023 (more details on our Facebook page nearer the time):

Dress Sale: This event will be held on Saturday June 3rd at St Bernadette's, Les Quennevais.. If you have good quality clothing that you would like to donate, please ring Michele on 853497

Market Fountain Collection: 11-25th July

Samares Fair: 28th August

Guide Dogs Book Sale Bric a Brac: 7th and 8th October

Clip Clop Carols: 9th December



AJC271 - Bukit Lawang Charitable Trust

We run the Bukit Lawang Trust Education Centre in Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

The Bukit Lawang Trust is a Charitable Trust that was established in response to the flood that hit the small village of Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia, in November 2003, wiping out the village and killing at least 300 people.

Mission statement -
To facilitate an economically and environmentally sustainable balance between human activity and severely endangered natural ecosystems through the implementation of a range of volunteer led development programmes.

In 2007 the Community Centre was built in partnership with Jersey Overseas Aid, with fourteen volunteers from Jersey travelling out to Bukit Lawang to help to build the Centre. The building is now used as an education centre with a free kindergarten running Monday - Friday 8.00am - 10.30am. Every afternoon from 2pm onwards there are free english lesson for children from surrounding villages. Two nights a week there are free english lessons for adults too.

In response to the Tsunami affecting Ache and North Sumatra, and the subsequent earthquakes, the Trust assisted with further projects throughout the region. Supplying educational supplies in Nias, and building two water wells to supply two communities. We also helped in Mentawai's in 2010 giving cash to families who had lost their home to aid them in the rebuilding - read more and watch the video on our website.

Mission statement:

The purpose of the Bukit Lawang Charitable Trust is to;
'Enhance the education, health and sanitation of communities affected by natural disaster'.

AJC365 - CRY Jersey

CRY Jersey is a Christian charity working with 40 projects in 30 nations to provide 'Care and Relief for the Young' (CRY) in some of the poorest and vulnerable communities. We partner with projects on the ground to provide children and young people with basic necessities and aide, as well as, medical care, skills & educational training & mental health support.

For more information about CRY Jersey and our projects visit our website

We offer 1/2-day volunteering opportunities at our TWO charity stores centrally located in New Street, St Helier.
We are open Monday to Saturday 9am until 5pm *closed public holidays.

We host community events and initiatives to raise awareness and funds for our projects throughout the year. A great opportunity to 'Be the Change' as an individual, church or corporate venture.

Connect with us In Store and on Instagram & Facebook for our latest News & Events.

AJC313 - Education Fund for Luweero Orphans (The)

To fund the education of orphans at school in Luweero, Uganda, as well as funding medical and dental treatment and daily lunch for all pupils to ensure their good health.

In addition those pupils who are either orphans, refugee children and those who suffer hardship due to poverty are given additional support in the form of the provision of school uniforms, sports kit, footwear, examination fees and all necessary stationary.

AJC530 - Friends of The Holy Land (Jersey)

We support the aims, objectives and projects of Friends of the Holy Land (UK) whose principal function as an ecumenical and non political charity is to support the remaining Christian population in the Holy Land - Palestine, Israel, Jordan and Gaza. For further details see

AJC367 - Island Friends Together

To provide funding for the construction of and ongoing maintenance of children's homes and schools in Sri Lanka and South India, and supporting their needs in their everyday life, particular;
(1) to support Mahadeva Achchirama Children's Home in Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka
(2) to support Annai Humanity Service Organisation in Tuticorin, South India
(3) to support Thangam Middle School in Tuticorin, South India
(4) to support Nesakarangal Children's Home in Tuticorin, South India
(5) to support John the Baptist Higher Secondary School in Tuticorin
(6) to support Eden Children's Home in Thirunelveli, South India
(7) to distribute any excess items collected amongst any other poor orphanages or schools in Sri Lanka and South India

AJC531 - Jersey 2 Africa 4 Football Foundation Limited

Jersey 2 Africa 4 Football Foundation is a Jersey based non-profit organisation whose mission is dedicated to positively impacting young lives in Africa through football, on and off the field!

AJC230 - Jersey Aid for Europe Foundation

The aims of the Foundation are:
"To create a greater awareness within the Island of people whose circumstances are less fortunate than ours and to give all Islanders the opportunity to make a difference to those people.
To assist others raise and distribute funds and material aid for the benefit of children and their carers in Europe and beyond.
To provide relief and help to the inhabitants of the countries of Eastern Europe who are suffering hardship by reason of their social and economic conditions and are in need of assistance, and in particular children of those countries.
To educate the public in the needs of the inhabitants of those countries and the plight of the children therein and mobilise, encourage, foster and maintain the interest and support of the public in their needs.
In furtherance of these objects the Foundation shall organise fundraising, receive donations, and distribute such funds as the Executive Committee shall direct and do all such things as are necessary for the attainment of the above objects."

AJC421 - Jersken Little Angels Home

Jersken is a not-for-profit organisation founded to provide a home and care for underprivileged children in Machakos County, Kenya.

Our desire to help and support children is what led to the start of the organisation. Jersken was founded in 2013 with the aim of providing orphaned children in Machakos County in Kenya with shelter, food and education.

AJC227 - Mustard Seed (Jersey)

To assist those in need in Eastern Europe, through fund-raising to support in-country self-sufficiency projects, sending humanitarian aid, offering encouragement and spiritual support as needed to any, regardless of creed and culture.

AJC510 - The Friends of Malindi Bright Future Academy

Provide financial support and educational advice to the Academy which is a primary school with 240 pupils from a very poor rural area outside Malindi in East Kenya

To fund a daily food programme of porridge and lunch to mitigate the effects of hunger on the learning and development of all pupils

AJC194 - The Jersey Association for the Provision of Holidays for Former Prisoners of Conscience

To provide holidays in Jersey for persons who have been recognised as having been prisoners of conscience and /or who have been subjected to torture - as recognised by Amnesty International or the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture. Our guests are bona fide torture survivors and former prisoners of conscience, who are now living as refugees in the UK. Most are highly educated former professionals, surviving in meagre and often harsh circumstances, who benefit enormously from the short breaks we offer. All are a delight to meet and involvement in this charity is hugely rewarding as well as extremely interesting and thought provoking. Anyone who would like to know more about us can contact me on or by phone at 852226.

AJC526 - Together Making a Difference

The purpose of TMaD is to enhance educational provision and living conditions in Third World Communities in Africa and Asia. We are currently working with vulnerable communities within Kurigram district in Northern Bangladesh, an area subject to annual flooding, working primarily with established local NGO's who can illustrate current experience in their field of expertise, supported by the local community.

Our first major project included the building of a new brick school (three classrooms and office plus boys' and girls' toilets and separate staff toilet and hand water pump). This opened in January 2020.

Due to 18 months of school closure due to covid-19, TMaD has been able to support with home-schooling, providing hygiene kits for students attending the school as well as food parcels for the most needy during this period of uncertainty.

We have also with the support of JOA approved and completed a WaSH Project (latrines with shelters and hand water pumps with platforms) to provide basic needs to a community in Nageswari, along with hygiene kits as this was so needed and even more so during the covid-19 pandemic.

Schools reopened in March 2022 following a long period of closure due to the covid pandemic. We are happy to hear that the children are now getting back into their school routines.

March 2023 - the school improvement project is now complete. The school now has five classrooms, disabled access, electricity connection to all rooms, lighting and fans. All classrooms are fitted with blackboards or whiteboards. The school will now be organised as a one shift school in keeping with government education recommendations.

Plans to provide clean drinking water, hand washing facilities and appropriate latrines and a school boundary wall will be reviewed during 2023.

Our support in Nageswari district has included providing suitable clothing for 37 primary age children to at last attend school, the children attend to local government school. The community thank the Jersey public for their support.

So it's been a busy year , 2023 will see a focus on setting up the new school and everyone getting back to school routines. The local community are very excited!

Look out for our fundraising events, which will be advertised on the Jersey Association of Charities Diary, and on Radio 103, and our FB page.

Thank You for your support.

Physical/Mental health

AJC225 - ABC Breast Cancer Support Group Jersey

Aims & Objectives 

To support those diagnosed with breast cancer through their journey, offering practical, emotional and financial support.
To promote an awareness of checking our chests for early signs of breast cancer.

AJC404 - Antoine Trust (The)

The Antoine Trust has been established by Antoine's parents, with the objective of assisting other Jersey children suffering from cancer and their families. The primary focus of the trust will be to fund development of the medical support provided to patients in Jersey.

AJC476 - Blood Cancer UK, Jersey Branch

To find cures for blood cancers and support those who are affected.

AJC191 - Brook in Jersey

To protect, promote and preserve the sexual and reproductive health of young people by educating them in matters relating to sexual behaviour, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy.

AJC35 - Caesarean Muscular Dystrophy Welfare Society

Founded in 1977 by parents of Muscular Dystrophy sufferers and well wishers, this Society exists to provide moral support and financial assistance to persons resident in Jersey, with all types of muscular dystrophy and their families.
Funds are raised by holding bazaars, sponsored runs, jumble sales, and raffles - these are spent on equipment to help improve the quality of life and allow as much independence as possible for our disabled friends and include such items as stair lifts specialised electric wheelchairs, special beds and home helps. The main aspiration for the future is that a cure will soon be found for this tragic disease.

AJC359 - Dementia Jersey

Background and Aims

Dementia Jersey, previously Jersey Alzheimer’s Association was formed in April 2010 and 11 years later offer a range of services that support local people affected by dementia of whatever sort, in whatever way.

The organisation provides advice, support and information to the community as a whole and has since 2012 seen an increase of over 235% in the amount of people seeking support and accessing activities. People of all ages, their families, friends and carers.

The Dementia Jersey team have a very clear vision, being to quite simply make Jersey a more dementia friendly island where all those affected by dementia are understood, welcomed and supported. 

Over the last year JAA have had to find new ways of supporting their friends and clients and now offer a blend of virtual and face to face support and activities that ranges from counselling and dementia advice, carers support and community activities such as their amazing musical memories and arts exploration groups.

The team provides education and awareness sessions to schools, community groups, local companies and organisations including the successful Dementia Friends programme.

Dementia Friends is the biggest ever initiative to change people’s perception of dementia and to date over 3 million people have attended awareness sessions worldwide. Focused 45 minute sessions aim to change the way people think, act and talk about dementia. Specially trained Dementia Champions deliver face to face awareness sessions to small groups, schools and in the workplace aimed to help people learn about what it is like to live with dementia and asks them to turn that understanding into action by helping others around them. This may be as simple as telling others about Dementia Friends or visiting someone they know living with dementia, every action counts.

Dementia in Jersey

Across the world dementia is estimated to affect 50 million people, 850,000 across the UK and 1,600 in Jersey. This number is set to increase to over 2 million people affected in the UK and 3,750 in Jersey by 2050.

Dementia Jersey has grown to be a well-respected charity with an excellent community profile and network of supporter and partners. The association has 7 staff in various positions supported by the regular and invaluable input of over 30 dedicated volunteers.

Our patron

Lady Dalton

AJC53 - Diabetes Jersey

To give support and understanding to those who are diagnosed with diabetes and their families in order to enhance the quality of life, as well as to provide an awareness programme.

AJC429 - Down's Syndrome Association Jersey Group

To create and develop the conditions which will enable people with Down's Syndrome to attain their full potential and to undertake any other charitable activities in connection with Down's syndrome in the Island of Jersey

AJC115 - Family Nursing & Home Care (Jersey)

Family Nursing & Home Care is a Jersey charity. We raise money through donations, fundraising activities and legacies and we are contracted by the Government of Jersey for the provision of services. Our ethos is to help islanders start well, live well and age well.

We provide expert prenatal and parental care and we support children, young people, families and the members of our community who need healthcare or support in their homes. Our services range from the Baby Steps programme, Community Children Nursing, School Nursing, District Nursing, Health Visiting, Home Care, Rapid Response and Reablement, Palliative Care and end of life care.

Kindness is a priority: to our patients, clients, partners and each other. Our nurses and colleagues work with islanders to understand their needs, applying our expertise to deliver the best possible care with dignity at the core of our service. We have the courage to do things differently and strive to provide innovation and new levels of care to the community.

With over 100 years of experience in providing care across Jersey, our carers have earned the trust of our community.

AJC506 - Focus on Mental Illness

Our aim is to preserve and improve the quality of life of islanders severely affected by mental illness. Our vision is for every person so affected to have the opportunity to fulfil her or his potential, and participate in and contribute to all aspects of life and citizenship.

Our user participation group, Focus UP, was established to ensure that the voices and views of all those affected by severe mental illness are heard and respected at every level, ‘lived experience’ helping to inform their needs.

We deliver evidence-based therapeutic family work to those affected by severe mental illness and their family members through relapse prevention, crisis planning and accepting treatment. As a result, families are better equipped to support their loved ones in their recovery journey, family cohesion is generally improved and relapse rates are reduced.

We also aim to work for a better public understanding of severe mental illness by seeking to ensure that its key differences from other aspects of mental health and well-being are well educed. This includes training and awareness programmes, including Mental Health First Aid, to help people to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health problems generally (and severe mental illness, specifically) which, in turn, helps with the engagement of the professional support needed for recovery or the successful management of symptoms.

AJC112 - Freeda Jersey

Freeda, provides a confidential and exclusively independent service to women and children fleeing domestic abuse including violence. We provide emotional and practical support to women and children in the community.  We offer a Safe Home provision which is registered for 22 women and children at any one time. We are able to accommodate women and children with accessibility needs, women with domestic pets and children (including boys up to the age of 18) . Freeda offers a 24/7 helpline and the Safe Home is accessible with trained staff 24 hours a day every day. Freeda provides an extensive preventative community engagement programme across Island schools, professional organisations , corporates and banks.

AJC395 - Friends of Jersey Neonatal Unit (JNU)

Friends of JNU raise funds to support the special care baby unit to assist them in providing the life saving support for Jersey families. Friends of JNU provides support to Jersey families with JNU babies with ongoing medical conditions and also support and financial assistance for the parents and family members. Friends of JNU is also involved in providing support for additional training and development for JNU and maternity staff. Alongside this, Friends of JNU are involved in new initiatives for research and educating new families with regards to pregnancy and post-natal care. Since March 2020 Friends of JNU took on the responsibility of providing Little Miracles boxes to JNU families.

Friends of JNU hold two annual events, a 5k walk and Its a Knockout which provides funding towards the above. In addition, Friends of JNU receives a number of donations from Jersey companies, families and individuals. Where possible Friends of JNU assists with businesses and individuals fundraising efforts. Friends of JNU is also involved in appeals with other charities to raise funds for specific purposes.
During the pandemic additional support for families in the JNU unit, such as masks and equipment for family members to ‘meet’ the babies electronically and hold the information to keep was provided. Mental Health training was organised in 2021 to take place in February 2022 with Mind Jersey for JNU nurses. In the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 Friends of JNU supported 16 families travelling during the course of the year for treatment for their babies in the United Kingdom. In the period 1 April 2021 to date Friends of JNU have supported 11 families travelling during the course of the year for treatment for their babies in the United Kingdom. We have worked closely with FN&HC in 2020-2021 providing electricity/food vouchers and medical equipment for families with discharged JNU babies requiring support in the home. With regard to the little miracles boxes that Friends of JNU now provides, Friends of JNU have prepared 200 boxes ready for the families admitted to JNU. Since Friends of JNU took on the responsibility of providing the Little Miracles boxes on 30 April 2020, Friends of JNU have delivered 123 little miracles boxes. Due to the Covid pandemic Friends of JNU have been unable to host the annual It’s a Knockout event, however it is back for 2022.

AJC399 - Friends of Jersey Oncology (FOJO)

Friends of Jersey Oncology provides tailored help and practical support to local cancer patients and their families, from the first diagnosis through their treatment journey.

AJC382 - Grace Crocker Family Support Limited

We raise funds in order to provide financial and emotional help to Jersey families when they need us. Having a sick child can be stressful for families but if they require medical treatment in the UK this adds the additional stress of worrying about finances. We aim to help with things such as:

Flights for family members.
Food and everyday living expenses. Even though you can get discount at most hospital canteens, it is still expensive if you cannot cook your own food all the time.

Additional travel costs, such as petrol, buses, etc.

Rent / accommodation in the UK: If families are over with other children, hospital accommodation is not always feasible and so they have to rent properties near the hospital instead. Hospital accommodation is also not very cheap.

Mortgage / rent on Jersey properties whilst they are away.

AJC501 - Independent Advocacy My Voice Jersey Limited

To promote and provide independent advocacy for people suffering from severe mental illness, especially those detained under the Mental Health laws. To promote and provide independent advocacy for people where capacity is at issue. To influence laws, policies and procedures which affect the rights of those suffering from a mental health condition or where capacity is an issue. To provide non-instructed advocacy for those who lack capacity to instruct. To raise public awareness and support for their mental health and capacity rights.

AJC430 - Jersey Action Against Rape (JAAR)

To provide support for survivors of rape and sexual assault in Jersey and their families by, amongst other things, establishing and maintaining a supporting framework that includes a dedicated helpline, website and trained counsellors. To educate the general public on the facts and myths surrounding rape and the extreme trauma suffered by survivors of rape and sexual abuse. This will include being aware of and advising others of the latest thinking, research and treatments available to a survivor and their confidants.

AJC488 - Jersey Arthritis Association

To promote clear new thinking around current research & raise awareness in Jersey of current advances in the treatments available in UK and the rest of World.

Meets at St Clements Parish Hall, on last Monday of the month, 2.00 to 4.00pm.
There is a suitable toilet. Transport is available upon request.

AJC25 - Jersey Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus

The Jersey Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus was formed in 1968 and incorporated in the Royal Court in 1973. The Association is established for charitable purposes in the care, welfare, treatment and education of persons suffering from Spina Bifida or Hydrocephalus, as well as encouraging research which would be to the benefit of such persons. The Association has a small membership which is made up almost entirely of disabled adults or families with disabled children. Fund-raising activities include car boot sales, supermarket collections and donations from local businesses. The Committee is also made up from member families. It meets once a quarter, with an Annual General Meeting.

AJC221 - Jersey Asthma & Respiratory Society

The Jersey Asthma and Respiratory Society was formed in 1985 to provide support for adults and children in Jersey who suffer from asthma and other respiratory conditions. We are a small charity working hard to raise funds, and awareness of asthma and respiratory conditions, to be able to offer support in as many ways as possible. Monies received from grants, donations and fundraising events we hold are used to:-

To promote Asthma awareness; to give support, advice and information to asthma sufferers and their families.
Fund Asthma & Respiratory Information Mornings - a free clinic at the Lido Medical Centre every Saturday morning where adults and children can receive help and advice from trained nursing staff on a one to one basis about asthma or any respiratory condition.
Allow members of nursing staff to attend training courses to enable them to improve their knowledge of respiratory conditions and the management and treatment thereof.
Purchase many different items of equipment for children in Robin Ward and adults in the General Hospital who suffer from a wide range of respiratory conditions, for which demand continually increases.
Help individual suffers either financially or with equipment

From Saturday 1st October 2016 these sessions will be held every Saturday morning from 9.00 till 12.00 at: Bon Sante Consulting Rooms, Suite 3.5, Third Floor, Lido Medical Centre, St. Saviour's Road (free parking and lift access)

The Asthma and Respiratory Information Morning is an opportunity for people of any age with asthma or respiratory problems to learn more about their condition on a one to one basis by talking to one of a team of qualified staff.

This is a free service funded by the Jersey Asthma & Respiratory Society supported by Health & Social Services

Appointments are not necessary but advisable to avoid delay in seeing one of the team. Tel: 444032 Monday to Friday

AJC556 - Jersey Bowling Club

To promote and encourage the playing of lawn bowls in Jersey and provide international level facilities for bowls matches and competitions.

The Club is open for bowling from mid April to the end of September. Bowling sessions are available every day. Bowling takes place on the Club's green presently at Westmount.

Matches are played amongst club members, against other Jersey bowls clubs and internationally.

The Jersey Bowling Club established in 1912 is the oldest bowling club in the Channel Islands and is open to all ages from early teens to 90 years plus. The only limitation to play is the actual ability to hold a reasonably heavy bowl, and to deliver it correctly on a grass surface.

We actively encourage bowls lessons for schools and organisations as a team builder and these are also extremely active sports.

We provide training free of charge and anyone who is enthusiastic to try out the sport can make use of this training before deciding as to whether to join the club. There is no real age to take up the game as anyone from 12-90 years old can play it and do. New bowler training is carried out on a one to one (or one to two) basis to encourage effective and correct learning of the game. We also hold advertised open days.

Training can be a couple of lessons or many. Only then is a decision to join the club made.

Permanent bowlers then become a member of the club and must abide by the Club’s Constitution and Rules. Whether a “social” bowler or a “fiercely competitive” one, there is room for everyone. We take great pride in training and coaching our players to as high as world standards with the benefit of keeping them fit and well into old age and encouraging a competitive spirit.

There are three organised sessions daily from early May to late September. The sessions vary from casual “roll ups” or social leagues to “serious” competitions.

Competitions and leagues are run at the club’s excellent facilities. These are run by the clubs’ fantastic team of volunteers. Members also play against other local clubs and visit abroad. We have hosted International Bowls Tournaments and Test Matches, which provide everyone (a member or the general public) the opportunity to watch fantastic competitive bowling. We work closely with our governing body "Bowls Jersey" in developing bowlers to their full potential. Jersey Sport also provides ourselves with the opportunity for welfare, safeguarding and other relevant courses and advice to further enhance our standards.

The club also runs an annual tournament specifically to raise money for nominated charities as assigned at our AGM each year.

AJC388 - Jersey Brain Tumour Charity (The)

The Jersey Brain Tumour Charity was formed to support Jersey residents in meeting the challenges that a brain tumour diagnosis can bring.  The aim of the charity is to ensure that any Islander affected by a brain tumour diagnosis whether directly or indirectly, is well supported and able to make informed decisions and never feels alone on their journey.  To date, we have supported over 400 people.

There are 130 different types of brain tumour and until the Jersey Brain Tumour Charity was established in 2011, there were no local organisations specifically dedicated to supporting patients, clients and families affected by them.

Our services are highly tailored to the needs of our patients to ensure we provide high quality and consistent support during times of uncertainty.  We also hold 1 monthly support group meeting at St Paul's gate and a Buddies Walk these are designed to help people share experiences and provide peer support for patients, families and friends.

AJC560 - Jersey Bulls Community Foundation Limited

Our core mission is to increase participation in sport (especially football) for children in Jersey, by offering vibrant, inclusive and accessible sporting activities for all, regardless of gender, ability, background or circumstances.

Our initiatives are designed to expand the community reach of Jersey Bulls, focusing on the positive aspects of social interaction and the simple joy of playing the beautiful game.

Recognising and embracing different ability levels, our goal (pun intended) is to inspire the pursuit of excellence in sport, encouraging individuals to reach their potential, and creating the pathways towards the top for higher-talent players.

AJC11 - Jersey Cancer Relief

Jersey Cancer Relief has been helping Jersey residents to ease the financial cost of cancer for over 50 years.  Where there is a need we can help with:

Doctor’s Fees
Travel to the UK hospitals
Medical supplies and food supplements
Nursing care
Heating bills
Other miscellaneous expenses

AJC384 - Jersey Cancer Trust

Working in close partnership with the Wessex Cancer Trust, the Jersey Cancer Trust provides vital funding and support services for those Jersey patients diagnosed with cancer.

AJC533 - Jersey Critical Care Survivors

Helping survivors of critical illness and their families to recover both physically and mentally. Also to support them moving forward in their recovery.

AJC215 - Jersey Eating Disorders Support

Eating Disorders are illnesses that are characterised by irregular eating habits.  They can cause severe distress about body weight or shape.  Eating disturbances may include inadequate or excessive food intake which can ultimately damage an individual's wellbeing.  They are not a fad, phase or lifestyle choice.  People struggling with an eating disorder are advised to seek professional help.  The earlier a person with an eating disorder receives treatment, the greater the chance of physical and emotional recovery. 

Jersey Eating Disorders Support offers a safe space to express how you are feeling, whether you are affected by an eating disorder, or you are a carer of a relative or friend with an eating disorder.

Group support meetings are free and are held every first and third Monday of the month at the Pomme d'Or Hotel from 6 -7pm. They are for those living with an eating disorder and those supporting someone with one. Please visit our facebook page in order to find the invitation with more details on.

We also offer free one-to-one counselling and peer support sessions for those living with an eating disorder and their supporters.

AJC184 - Jersey Friends of Anthony Nolan

To raise funds for Anthony Nolan in order that it may finance the maintenance and expansion of the register of volunteer blood stem cell and bone marrow donors.

To encourage Islanders to join the register of donors.

To promote awareness of Anthony Nolan in Jersey.

AJC38 - Jersey Haemophilia Group

The Jersey Haemophilia Group was formed in 1973.

The aims of the Group are to give help and advice to local Haemophiliac families, to further the knowledge of Haemophilia and to contribute to research into the cause and treatment of Haemophilia and associated blood disorders. Funds are raised from a 100 Club draw, sponsored walks, donations, collection boxes, the sale of stamps etc.

AJC381 - Jersey Heart Support Group

We are a new charity located in Jersey, Channel Islands. Formed by cardiac patients to provide support for people with cardiac conditions, their families, friends and carers.
We have regular social gatherings to simply chat, listen to guest speakers and catch up with the latest medical news and we operate regular exercise sessions as a follow-on from cardiac rehab.
We can talk to people who have just been diagnosed with a heart condition about our own experiences.
We are affiliated to the British Heart Foundation and registered with both the Jersey Financial Services Commission as a (Non-Profit Organisation) and the Association of Jersey Charities.

Our Aims:
To provide continuity to people completing the Cardiac Rehabilitation course.

To provide support for the present and new members,their partners, families, friends & carers.

To provide members with current information, thoughts and literature on aftercare for heart patients.

To maintain close contact with health officials.

To educate members of the public about heart disease, its prevention and treatments.

To improve the detection and treatment of cardiac conditions in the community.

To improve cardiac rehabilitation facilities.

To make contact with other local voluntary groups.

To raise funds to maintain and develop the group and facilities in Jersey.

AJC75 - Jersey Hospice Care

Jersey Hospice Care is about choice. We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, to die pain free, with dignity and in a place of their choosing. Our vision is that everybody in our community with a life-limiting condition should have access to the highest standard of palliative care, and that it should always be free and available to anybody who needs it, regardless of diagnosis. We deliver a multidisciplinary, holistic approach to the care of children, young people and adults with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, working alongside existing service providers, providing a collaborative approach to patient care.

We recognise and respect that each person is unique and our individualised approach to care aims to help them to make the most of what time is left, and ultimately, to help each person live life to the full.

Jersey Hospice Care fulfils its purpose through its principal activity of providing palliative and supportive care to islanders through the following services:

- Adult in-patient palliative medical and nursing care in a twelve-bed unit;

- Adult outpatient palliative and supportive care (including therapies) in the King Centre (this service is currently suspended);

- Adult community nursing team that provides palliative care in the home, hospital and other community settings;

- Bereavement services for all Jersey residents including family support services; and

- Outreach services to Children and Young People (CYP) through a dedicated team offering support at home or in hospital, as well as providing one to one and group sessions in the King Centre.

All of these services are provided free of charge to patients and their loved ones in order to ensure that they are accessible for all and are provided where and when and for however long they are needed.

AJC152 - Jersey Ostomy Society

The objects of the Society shall be to:

a) Provide support to those who have undergone, or are about to undergo, Urostomy, Ileostomy, Colostomy diversions, together with their families, friends and carers, to adjust to life with a stoma after such diversions, including –

i. social activity such as gatherings, meetings, meals, coffee mornings, encouraging travel (especially short trips) off the Island and other activities;

ii. psychological support through a “buddy” system both before and after surgery;

iii. financial assistance to individuals through clinical and needs-based assessment of applications; and;

iv. advice on suitable equipment and products that will make living with a stoma easier and more fulfilling

b) Raise public, government, company and employer awareness and understanding of the special needs of those who live with stomas and campaign for the provision of specially adapted toilet facilities, travel facilities etc. and many other things which the general public take for granted.

c) Advise on and assist in the provision of exercise for health facilities for those with stomas. Advise also on suitable available clothing, swimwear etc.

d) Provide specific help to children and teenagers, and their families, having to cope with growing up and living with stomas.

e) Increase efforts to provide ongoing support for better mental health amongst ostomy patients, their close families and friends.

AJC549 - Jersey Sport Limited

Jersey Sport is the independent body tasked with championing sport and active living in the island. The vision and outcomes are split into 4 pillars.

Sports Development

The vision is that Jersey is a proud sporting nation where ALL islanders can play sport to the extent of their ability and desire.

The outcomes of that vision is that more sporting opportunities are provided, with a focus on engaging underrepresented groups in sport and more robust and sustainable sports organisations in Jersey, offering high quality and safe experiences.

Schools Programmes

The vision here is that every child will have the foundations to live an active life supported by schools that place value on sport and physical activity for the whole school community.

The outcomes of the school programme are active school cultures are embedded and continue to develop for the whole school community and children will have equitable access to high quality PE and a greater range of relevant sport, and physical activity opportunities both within the curriculum and extra-curricular provision.

Community Engagement

The vision being all islanders will have the opportunity to access and engage with innovative community based sport and physical activity, embedding it in the culture of the island as a societal norm to promote good health and wellbeing.

The outcome is increasing participation of the least active and underrepresented groups.

Jersey Sport Operations

The vision being a sustainable organisation with the highest operational standards and governance, relative to our size and scale.

The outcomes being an efficient and effective delivery of strategic outcomes, through the provision of appropriate resources, governance, insight, advocacy, and support services and a highly qualified, effective, and diverse workforce supported by an environment that attracts and retains.

Sport and Active Living has a significant impact on helping individuals prevent a wide range of illnesses and diseases as well as having a positive impact on mental health.

Our Mission

To inspire, lead, and enable positive wellbeing through lifelong engagement with sport and active living.

Our Strategic Purpose

Jersey Sport's remit is focused on the delivery of four primary purpose statements. Everything we do, can be directly correlated to these;

• Increase participation in Sport and Physical Activity.

• Reduce inequalities – namely for Women and Girls, Lower Socio-Economic communities, and those with one or more disabilities.

• Focus on inactive islanders, increasing physical activity levels to become "fairly active" (30mins or more of physical activity per week)'.

• Build a safe, sustainable, and inclusive sporting community.

We will fulfil these objectives with services provided on a not-for-profit basis.

AJC540 - Jersey Stroke Support Ltd

JSSL was borne initially from a gap identified, on the Island of Jersey, for the need to offer post stroke reviews and support to people diagnosed with stroke.

The stated aims of JSSL are: (a) to provide support and assist stroke survivors and their families after a stroke and help keep them safe; and (b) to raise the profile on the Island of Jersey about stroke and stroke prevention.

AJC500 - Kairos Arts

Kairos Arts is a unique non-profit making group of creatives and therapists passionate about the potential to restore hope, dignity and worth through the freedom of the creative arts.

To foster engagement, interaction and creative self-expression with groups of vulnerable people who have been identified by existing charities and therapists.

AJC355 - Macmillan Cancer Support (Jersey) Limited

From diagnosis and beyond, Macmillan Cancer Support Jersey is there to help anyone affected by cancer find their best way through.

Whether you’ve received a diagnosis or are supporting someone who has, anyone with any type of cancer and at any stage can access our services. We offer emotional support from Macmillan Professionals, practical information and social support, as well as a wellbeing service offering free complementary therapies, relaxation groups and information about exercise and healthy eating. You can drop in or make an appointment. You do not need to be referred to us and all our services are free of charge. Our services are run from The Oasis, Suite 2.13 The Lido Medical Centre, St Saviour's Road, St Saviour.

We also host the Prostate Cancer Support Group. The meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at The Oasis.

The Oasis is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm (late appointments available on request).

For more information about our services please go to or telephone 01534 498188.

AJC27 - MIND Jersey

We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect. We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

We offer:
Peer Support
Residential Services
Family and Carers Service
Nearly New Shop
Youthful Minds
Children and young person's service
Drop-In centre
We deliver a range of training and education to suit specific requirements, corporate companies and individuals.  

Mind's values are at the heart of everything we do.

We reach out to anyone who needs us
We're stronger in partnerships.
We listen, we act.
We speak out fearlessly.
We never give up.

We work with all sectors of our community, from birth to old age, whether you want to know how to stay well and invest in your wellbeing or are managing a diagnosis for a serious mental health condition.
We work with people accessing mental health services to have a voice and be represented within the development of those services through participation. We empower people who experience a mental health problem to make informed choices about how they live and recover and ensure people get the right services and support at the right time to help their recovery and enable them to live with their mental health problem.

AJC149 - Motor Neurone Disease Association

Our priorities are: Patient Care, Creating Public Awareness and Fundraising. We can help with funding specialist equipment and services to meet the needs of those affected by Motor Neurone Disease in Jersey, enabling patients to remain in their own home for as long as possible. We also help fund research into MND to learn more about the disease and help find treatments and hopefully one day a cure.

AJC7 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Jersey

The society was established in 1961 and the aims of the society are to support those on the Island with Multiple Sclerosis and their families, emotionally and financially, whilst searching for the cause and cure of the disease.

For those newly diagnosed in Jersey, the link to the UK Multiple Sclerosis “Just diagnosed” offers information or alternatively contact Sister Sarah Kean at Neurocare on 01534 444524.

For any member currently needing extra assistance on a more practical level, please get in touch with our Outreach Team. We can help with a vast array of things such as aiding you in reaching your doctor's appointments, or Social Security etc, getting you appropriate aids into your homes, and can also arrange to take you out for coffee or lunch so that you can enjoy going out for a chat.

Should you wish to find out more about the MS Jersey branch then please have a look at our website. If you wish to make a donation to our society, it will be very gratefully received.

We are here to GRASP your hand in support, friendship and thanks, as we strive for a world free of MS.

G Grants to help our members adjust their day to day lifestyle to accommodate living with MS.

R Research – donations to projects, which are propelling the treatment of MS forward and working towards a cure.

A Awareness - Around 100,000 people in the UK have MS. It is the most common disabling condition in young adults. Help us to stop MS.

S Support – monthly support in the form of exercise classes, massage and dietary supplementations.

P Positivity – helping those who live with or love someone with MS stay positive as they live with the condition.

Phone us on our Outreach Number: 07797 779903

Donations can be sent to the Treasurer, Lynne Shaw, Brooklyn, 6 Bel Royal Gardens, La Route De St Aubin, St Lawrence, JE3 1JU

AJC292 - National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society, Jersey Branch (NASS) Jersey

To promote a weekly self-help group meeting on Monday evenings between 4.30 and 5.30 at the General Hospital hydrotherapy pool

AJC479 - Neil Hussey Heart Charity (The)

• To raise funds to allow members of the public to have free heart screening checks with the objective to help detect previously unknown heart conditions.
• To establish, in the long term, a free to user Heart Screen for school aged children.
• To raise funds to support heart research and new treatments in Jersey.

AJC91 - Oxygen Therapy Centre

To aid & improve, in accordance with approved protocols, the condition of those with;
i) Multiple Sclerosis
ii) Other neurological conditons
iii) Any other condition that may benefit from oxygen therapy
iv) Any other conditions that may benefit from treatments available at the charity

AJC370 - Pain Support Jersey

Pain Support Jersey helps people who suffer from persistent pain and runs gentle exercise sessions, vocational activities and courses, educational talks, sea swimming sessions and social events.

Who can benefit? 
Anyone who has persistent pain which is defined as pain lasting for more than three months. It may stem from arthritis, surgery, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and various other causes. Many members have been referred through the Pain Service, but this is not essential. People can just turn up at any of our sessions.

How can people benefit?
The charity organises indoor and outdoor gentle exercise classes, social events, vocational activities, educational talks and hydrotherapy.

Exercise is so important for people in pain but is often the last thing they want to do because they are scared and believe it will increase their pain. But the right type of exercises can help significantly and the group offers suitable sessions run by pain specialist physiotherapists from the Pain Service.

The social aspects of meetings are also really important. Members appreciate the company of other people who understand just what they are going through and value the chance to speak to each other and the team. Pain can make people isolated and the group offers opportunities to meet people and forge new friendships. Most importantly, meetings are positive and uplifting.

Where and when do activities happen?
Details of all our activities and events can be found on our website, Facebook page or Twitter feed.

AJC143 - Parkinson's UK, Jersey Branch

To try and improve the quality of life of those suffering from Parkinson's and their carers. To educate and raise awareness of the public and to support research into Parkinson's.

We fund and organise many activities including weekly keep fit and neuro-active classes, a boxing class and a music/vocal therapy singing group as well as a variety of other therapeutic activities.  The Branch organises a monthly lunch for members, carers and supporters and other outings from time to time.

Regular fundraising takes place, which includes, supermarket collections, raffles and sale of used stamps and old coins.  We also rely on the donations from generous Islanders and local businesses and we are always very thankful for the public’s support.

The Branch has nearly 200 members, made up of patients, carers and supporters.  Our Branch is run by a group of hard-working and dedicated volunteers.

AJC296 - Pets as Therapy - Jersey Branch

To support the Charity's registered volunteers and their pets within the Channel Islands in visiting patients and/or residents in hospices, hospitals, nursing homes and other like institutions and to raise funds for the Charity to enable it to pursue its objectives.

AJC6 - Samaritans

Samaritans offer a confidential and non-judgemental listening ear to people who need to talk about anything that's worrying them. You can be you yourself with us and we provide emotional support 24 hours a day, every day via the phone, email, letter and in person. 

Samaritans work in the community raising awareness of who we are and what we do in schools and at various events. We also train and support prison Listeners to emotionally support prisoners at La Moye.
In addition we offer a variety of presentations, training and workshops with local and national trainers on various subjects such as listening skills and offering emotional support, self harm and suicide awareness, conversations with vulnerable people and building resilience and wellbeing.

T: Freephone 116123

AJC317 - Stroke Association (The)

The objects of the charity are to work to prevent stroke and educate the public in all matters concerning stroke. This includes carrying out, promoting or sponsoring research into the prevention or treatment of stroke or other conditions where the effects are similar to stroke, the rehabilitation and long-term care of stroke survivors and publishing useful results of such research. Responding to the needs caused by the effects of stroke or other conditions where the effects are similar to stroke, by assessing need and providing access to support to those affected, their families and carers.

We support stroke survivors, their families and carers to adjust to life after stroke. We offer health and lifestyle information, and advice to prevent and manage conditions associated with the causes of stroke. We provide access to universal services such as the Stroke Helpline and My Stroke Guide. We work within local systems to ensure the voice of those affected by stroke can help affect positive change for current and future stroke survivors and carers

Since the date of registration on 3 October 2019, the Stroke Association in Jersey has continued to provide information to the general public, and survivors of stroke and their families, to help reduce the incidence of stroke and to support survivors of stroke to live as full a life as possible after stroke.

We attend the Jersey General Hospital and Samares rehabilitation ward weekly to pick up any referrals of patients who had suffered a stroke or transient ischaemic attack. We liaise with family or next of kin and provide information and support. We provide home visits to stroke survivors who have been discharged from hospital, providing information, advice and support, and signposting or making onward referral or signposting where necessary.

We work with health professionals and the States of Jersey on the island to support with the continuous improvement and development of stroke services.
We continue to incorporate telephone and digital support into our service to ensure we have as many access options as possible. We have seen increased demand for our Helpline and My Stroke Guide digital tool. We continue to work with Jersey General Hospital and other within the health system to strive to improve the stroke pathway.

We have lots of helpful support material on our website, including links to health information and home-based exercises for stroke survivors.

We also have a national Helpline, which can be used by residents of Jersey who need help and support – the number is 0303 3033 100.

AJC522 - Tiny Seeds Limited

 Tiny Seeds is a charity dedicated to supporting people in Jersey who are experiencing infertility or who need the help of fertility treatments to conceive. Through the provision of our monthly support meetings, regular meetings to discuss more specific areas of infertility and a private online support group we aim to provide practical and emotional support while helping people to know that they are not alone during what can be a very isolating time in their lives.

We have an established link with the Government of Jersey Health Service in order to be the voice for fertility service users with regard to treatments, services and funding provided. Infertility is classed as a disease by the World Health Organisation, yet sadly there is often a stigma and taboo that surrounds it. This is something we aim to reduce through our work by raising greater awareness of what living with infertility is really like and to offer advice on how to best support those who are going through it, whether that is a friend, family member or within the workplace.

AJC170 - TOP Jersey (Triumph over Phobia)

To assist sufferers of phobias and Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to overcome these problems, to raise funds in order to further research. Meetings are held regularly. Please email for details of meetings.

AJC407 - YouMatter (Love Matters Trust)

YouMatter works with young people to build their self-esteem and help them to develop an understanding of their true value and worth. We run workshops with thousands of young people in Jersey every year to inspire them to make healthy and positive choices about their lives and relationships.

During these times of school closure and lockdown, we are adapting the way we do things! We have been in touch with all secondary schools and the 9 primary schools we have worked with so far to find out how we can best support their PSHE programmes. The YouMatter team is keen to be flexible and ready to adapt further as the situation changes. We are passionate about continuing to meet the needs of children, young people and parents as best we can during these challenging times, albeit in different ways.

Usually, we provide high-quality, interactive and engaging workshops for young people in schools, youth clubs and other community settings. We also provide sessions for parents and training for professionals.

Currently, we are producing video lessons to share with schools, focusing on our key areas of work. We are also producing videos and lots of useful content to share on our social media platforms for parents, children and young people.

We have 9 key areas of work:

Self-Esteem and Confidence
Positive Relationships
Decision-making Around Sex
Sexually Transmitted Infections, including HIV and AIDS
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Prevention
Sexting and Staying Safe Online
The Impact and Effects of Pornography
Alcohol, Drugs Misuse and Staying Safe
Supporting Positive Parenting

We also offer one-to-one and small-group work for young people identified as needing some additional support with any of the issues covered by our key areas of work.